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Forum: Dreams + The Paranormal Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
30 Oct 15 4:00 pm  

I dreamed I kept having to put seat belts on me and Good-Vibes all night long.


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
19 Oct 15 9:34 pm  

Work is good, otherwise be an artist.


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Forum: Dreams + The Paranormal Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
08 Oct 15 7:46 pm  

I dreamed I returned to my teaching job, the students who I rarely had trouble with tried stealing things off of me; my classes didn't go smoothly.


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
07 Oct 15 4:30 pm  

So sorry.


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Forum: Dreams + The Paranormal Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
01 Oct 15 4:55 pm  

I know the true you, I know what you like; I did not notice you had the resolve to contain your self, and anyways if we did a lot of hugging, I would have had boners, and I really didn't want to be like the first guy, fuck you and then disappear, plus I am a classy guy, and I never do have sex with someone until I know them. I have no regrets.

I like that Matthew is a Marine Biologist, I just wished he'd take you out sometime, you have to get out and go do things and be seen as the Lady you are. I am glad he is sexing you up, you were a little bit stuffy; if I had a wife I would only make love to her twice a week, once on Wednesday and then again on Saturday. Sex is like a sporting contest, one must prepare and be prepared, like eat pineapples, get the fiber, shower and be cologned, hair perfect, clothes just right, romantic incense and candles, soft beats wailing guitar, shit that puts you in the mood, and lets the other person know what is going down that night, almost ritualistic sex, sperm have to be warned that they are about to be let loose so that proper baby formation occurs, the right soul, the right body, you can also have some days, like if you go to the beach and the man really needs to trophy her, then that too is possible, a little bit of random sex to spice things up. I have never done these things, I just followed Tamara wiggling heart shaped ass, all night until I would end in her bed, having passed all the tests. Women put us through hurdles and we must behave as gentlemen, and not be assholes and make bad scenes when out and about, it really charms a woman to have a gentleman act perfect and say all the right things all night long, then it is alright to behave like animals if, we have proved ourselves higher beings.


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Forum: Entertainment Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
01 Oct 15 4:44 pm  



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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
01 Oct 15 4:22 pm  

I guess romance is dead?


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
01 Oct 15 4:21 pm  

Yeah, love is nice.


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Forum: Dreams + The Paranormal Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
01 Oct 15 9:53 am  

It was not weird. You were kind, loving, supportive and there in full force, just like a presence of something that one can really hang onto all night long. Almost motherly.


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Forum: Entertainment Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
01 Oct 15 9:52 am  

walk on the left


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Forum: Entertainment Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
01 Oct 15 9:51 am  

I am marinated, not married.


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
01 Oct 15 9:09 am  

I was wondering what time you worked.


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
01 Oct 15 8:58 am  

Jungle fever? My first two lovers were both black girls, one I made a child with. The first one that I lost my virginity to was a ballet dancer who wrote better poetry than me and I was a great writer at the time; but women don't really follow through, they prove an ability and stop doing what they are doing, it was not like she wrote shit loads, but was satisfied with the few handful of poems she pumped out. It was vampire sex, the day upon losing my virginity; we started in the early evening, I had Snapple Mango Madness and General Tso's chicken, and I always remember my virginity meal or drink, it brings me back to that rainy day, rain just pouring down as I pumped into her, it was the first time I was provided with pussy but I knew what to do with it, after fucking her for awhile, I found her G-spot and she ripped the sheets in ecstasy - she had a rather large pussy though, as if she stretched it out on a bed post, and broke her pussy, yet somehow I still filled her up.

I never know if I ever lived before, but for me to find the G-spot in the first 5 minutes of being given pussy for the first time at 27, with no preparation at all, I still found the source, so it might mean I have lived before, because no one ever told me about that spot, but I was right there on it. No one told me about the male G-spot either, and I found that too, electricians know about that spot, because it sort of shorts out the body, and you are basically screwed for a long time.

The other black girl had cigarette burns all over her mattress, and she was full, crappy poetry, but at least she had money. I was a gigolo and she was my sugar momma. She was quite drunk when I went to her house for the first time. She sat on the toilet and dragged her shoe on the bathroom floor like a witch every 20 minutes or so, I felt like fucking but she was totally out of it. When we had entered her domain, she had a latex dress on her bed and I laid down on it because I am like a raccoon, am into shiny things, and then when she disappeared into the rest room, I donned the dress out of boredom, and I popped on some bikini competition pay per view and busted a nut. I fucked her many times, as I was young and with no money I had to satisfy the sugar momma, as she took me around in the prime of my life and did Manhattan. She had full coverage of hair but she liked to take it up the ass, and her hair tried to cover every spot, but right in the back of her head there was a bald spot, right where if you take something large into your butt you get a bald spot, so she liked it in the ass.

I knew I was going to fuck her, I went to get a condom because I had to con the dome, but when she came out of the bathroom I had stuck the condom under a pillow because I didn't want to be so forward that she would know that I knew I was going to fuck her because as with women, if you assume something, then they take it away from you, just as love is something that must continually be proven, as if we are so insecure, that we need constant efforts to point our heads in their direction. So when it came time to have sex, I couldn't find the condom that I had unwrapped, and the last lover was stupid, fucking her in the ass, and then putting it in the pussy, so that I had e coli on my entrance into her, and then I got poisoned with her ass slime in her pussy, and when I walked away from her house later that night, I knew something was wrong when I saw she lived on Hemlock street in Brooklyn, and Hemlock is what killed Socrates. I lost a lot of hair from that, golden hair arching down spinning in spirals, filling the floor at the bottom of my steps. All because I knew you can never assume anything with a woman, that even though it had been a fine night, and I made it back to her bed that I couldn't even lay a condom out letting her know I was going to enter her in the old fashioned way, because as soon as you assume something about a woman they take away the assumption that you had because all they know about love, as women, is that the harder the game of love, the stronger the love, so women will always make it difficult for you to get into their pants, because that is game and coy, and that makes for better loving. Men like this complexity of the love game too, it seems like one recognizes when it gets complicated it means you are involved, and involved is nice, it means you can safely enter her. But all this advanced mind fucking of women making it difficult, just for the sake of synchronicity that the union is love, really goes against the man's effort to totally satisfy her. All women have to do is lie there and take it, and men have to be prepared - hold on a sec


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
30 Sep 15 7:03 am  

Life is frustrating, people have to accept us for what we are. That is my advice to you. You are a nice person I can't see how you got taken out of your element?


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Forum: Dreams + The Paranormal Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
28 Sep 15 1:47 am  



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Forum: Dreams + The Paranormal Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
28 Sep 15 1:43 am  

I had a sex dream for the first time involving Good-Vibes.


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Forum: Dreams + The Paranormal Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
26 Sep 15 1:28 am  

I had a dream where I had to go to court, but I have no criminal record, so no worries.


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
26 Sep 15 1:19 am  

I am going for the interview of the family museum castle job in Italy. If you are moving then I guess this next letter will be the last I send you.


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Forum: Dreams + The Paranormal Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
23 Sep 15 4:30 pm  

I like being woken up with sperm all in my underwear, it must have been a good night.


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Forum: Entertainment Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
23 Sep 15 4:29 pm  
