Blog Comments

Is this unreasonable?

I'd like to change my last name to a number.
I hate my last name with a passion.
Simply because it's my dad's last name, and I want no part of him associated with me.
I've spent a lot of time considering things.
There's just not that many last names that I can come up with that are even remotely appealing to me.
And most of the ones I like don't sound so hot when paired with my first name.
So, how about a number?
I'm kind of fond of the number eleven.
And it almost rhymes with my first name.
For added fun, let's put an exclamation point after it.
And just for kicks, let's keep the 'e' lowercase and capitalize the 'v'.
My new name shall be Harrison eleVen!
Okay, so maybe I'm being silly, but I can dream can't I?