Hello everyone !
It's that time for the 2011 GG Member of the Year Awards ! Starting now , nominations will be open for all users.
If you'd like to nominate a user (or users) , please send your comment to xXxBeautifulDeathxXx , with the category and the username you are nominating. Please don't post your nominations anywhere else , but the above link.
Click the link below and check out all of the categories and rules for nominating.
MOTY Nomination Guide.
Have fun and good luck ! ~
Blog Comments
We can coexist and bask in whoredom or you can play with the scene girls outside the f0rumz.
And Ben, you're the only one that could give me competition in the whore department.
Sand in your pussy and all.
Mary should know which ones. I know I got Best Profile and Biggest Sex Forum User.
I'm anxious to see the nominated people, and the outcome.