Blog Comments

Totally new

Ok this my first entry, first off if you don't like it when people are offended by being crude or vulgar DO NOT CONTINUE. Well, for those of you who don't know me my profile name means Rip Off Your Head And Shit Down Your Neck hence R O Y H A S D Y N. I'm just gonna write my thoughts down I guess. Ever have one of those days where you are so angry at nothing you want to grab someone by their fucking neck and throttle them? Yeah? I had that today. Work was so God Damn busy I wanted to shoot someone. And to top it all off my roommate is fucking annoying as shit. That is if shit were to get up and say HEY HOW ARE YOU?!!!!! over and over and over again. That's what I get for being an introvert I guess. I'm gonna listen to some metal. If you liked this keep on reading my posts. If not thanks for reading anyway. Y'all Have a good day now y'hear?
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RoYHaSdYn I meant to say Offensive in there btw.