I've been busy and have added emoji support throughout the site 😲😲😲
Here are some more changes:
- The account settings, login audit, delete account pages have been updated to be mobile friendly
- The change password/email form has been split into separate forms
- Removed signatures (They ruined the mobile layout of many pages)
Enjoy 🖤
Emojis is vital for conveying emotion, which words are unable to convey. They are, however, of no use in the academic world or in situations when an objective viewpoint is required. Emojis are designed to be lighthearted and fun, and to represent a wide range of emotions in a manner that words can't always. Emojis frequently deliver the wrong message, since they can be read in a variety of ways. Because words are a more explicit and intricate method of expression, sending a mixed or false signal is less risky. Not only that, but some emojis are unable to convey the emotion they are intended to convey.
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@walkingcorpse not played Minecraft in ages. I actually have a Minecraft server set up on this server 😁
How've you been?