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A Writing Freak is Creating

Example Writing: From a Work in Progress: The Tuatha

In the darkness, nothing matters. Nothing moves yet, at the same time, everything seems to stir and twist in the dark recesses of our lives… except tonight. As Aleksandrya opened her eyes and looked up into the night sky she began to feel calmed by the twinkling lights that played in the distance. The comets above playing like cat and mouse across the endless black sky. The chariots of the Gods in their stables along with their beasts while the guardians of the universe are ever watching to be sure that peace would remain this night. She wanted that peace, craved it in fact. This hectic world in which she lived in and is required to take part in drives her to the brink of utter madness and grief. The constant clutter of the people mingling with the pointlessness of craved tangible items that will, in the end, be absolutely worthless. When would she finally be able to rest in a peaceful sleep?

As she floated there upon the moonlit glass that was the lake, she closed her eyes and began to hum the tune that has been long in her mind but from where it came from she did not know. The tune came to her in a dream many years ago. It was a lovely tune, one that she could imagine the fae would dance to on a midsummer night’s eve. Beneath her in the water she could feel the earth move and the nocturnal marine life begin to stir. The fish big and small in all their rainbow-like beauty, the weeds swaying from the movement of the earth, the dirt at the bottom gently stirring into a wondrous display of browns and greens like an underwater tornado display. She can see it all with her eyes closed, she could feel it all. As the moonlight caressed her pale skin against the dark backdrop of the water and the sky, she was truly the most beautiful the moon had ever seen. In that moment where her equally dark and luscious hair spread like weeds of their own fanning out in waves from her. As the water moved so did she, like an orchestra player is one with the music, she was becoming one with the pull and sway of the water upon which she lay. With no other lights than the moon and the stars for miles Aleksandrya was utterly alone in her candescence. But like most beauty, it is more glorious when it is unobserved. With the whole universe literally ahead of her and the whole world at her back, she is between worlds; belonging nowhere but being everywhere at the same time. How she loved her alone time in the water where all of her thoughts, cares and beliefs didn’t matter and could just float away and down into the depths of the water below. There was never anyone here to impress, there wasn’t ever anyone she had to save face in front of. She could finally be herself in a world all her own, in a place nobody went or even knew about. This was a place she could finally be free.
Looking out from the tall grass on the shore of a lake were twin green eyes of a brightly hue. They stared across the lake in curiosity mingled with a fear of the stranger that lay there. The woman had come here every day for the past sixty moons and she just lays there until the stars hide from the sky. She would love to talk to the woman, to ask her why she just lays there, what is she looking at in the sky… She dares not go near the woman, how could the woman understand or comprehend what it is that is looking back at her? No, she must be content with her fingers itching and her body aching, staying in the tall grass, and just watch the woman to make sure she does not draw too near to the Sacred Entrance as was her duty this night.

As she crept closer to the shoreline of the lake to get a closer look she kicked a pebble into the water causing a small splash. If it were at any other time, this splash would have gone unnoticed among all the daytime noises. She looked back to the woman on the water to see if she heard, she did. Frozen she just stood there as the woman, startled out of her daydream, whipped around towards the noise. Scared, the both of them just sat there staring at one another, blazing blue eyes and dazzling green eyes intertwined in a silent dance of wills.

Starting June 1, 2021 my upload schedule is the following:

On WordPress:
- Post twice a week
Tuesday: Work in Progress/Short Story of the Week
Thursday: 18+ Story of the Week

On Patreon:
- Post Daily!
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