Poem Comments


The old listen to the young now
for it is when youth speaks wisdom enters
I talk on my last walk
looking young but dazzled
by the universal spell
in which life powers are in stranglehold
pain upon the face and misery
teh screaming out for help without saying anything
and ominvorus fishes
that fly and bite Osiris Ostrich feather
as he walks on seas of flame
I have no woman to save me
other than my children that move my feet
I walk on eggs for them
not because the dream returns
that which was gone
and if I do get second wind of seed
this time I will not blow Dandelion to fertile the plains

I went to secure others happy pleasure
at mine own peril
with flying carnivorous fish
going for my plastic fly
and the Church gate was open
and an old man was on the floor
trampelled by time
rigamortis for the mortician to crack
the break from deaths grip
for the coroner to make up some story of death
when it is before we are born
twas decided the day we would die
I misresad the omen
and visited Cerberus instead of Sirus
GoDevil be good, GodEvil turn your trick
for they are one and the same
without resistance in the wire
no electricity doth flow
My Saint ears heard
this heavenly umbilical chord
the squeak of the hears door
was fortold
the time has come to take the old away
as a new baby was brought into the world
just yesterday
I can still see his white beard and hair
so longed to be on a cloud
near to her dear to him
the smoke ontop his head
his pointed gestuculation
this was my first impression
the man who would talk to anyone
because she was gone
I was the same
the last time I walked past
I said nothing
just gave him the nod
I knew him and he knew me
we were one and the same
men without women
except he had not to shop for one
and I was women shopping
He ran the Church from his wallet
so he could be near and dear to her again
and for me the heavens would reign love
in a different way
an airplane just ringed a finger for me
I type with one hand
pointed to the heavens

seated on the streets
now who will I talk to now that he is gone?
Then came Cerberus for he had oil
for the church gate squeak
was a ring of a bell for a fallen king
and a new king to be in his stead
had to come or the streets would empty even more
justs walk with wired ears for milk
and fake smiles

The police were on the other side
we had the conversation behind plate glass
The Diamond Dog could make it happen
like Pilates the pill that came late
to save the old man's lame fate
would I walk through seas on fire
burning swamp grass cattails
to erase unhappiness?
Would I risk all this that had been regiven?
Would I regift it?
and do the right thing for someone
when the age of Pices has us in the grips
would I be sliced and fed to the fish
The cops saw my mouth move,
but a force inside and all around
something so pervasive it could not be seen
took him at the appointed hour of day
that what ever it is, heard me
speak evil good.