Hate The machine
Uncontrollable I did not break no dish
Screaming FUCK FUCK I did eberything right
Tearing me apart I smelled sister in laws dish rag
You can never see I liked the pattern of her jean pocket lining I smelled that too
You'll never understand poets reborn their lyrics die
It's not fucking possible how could I be so deep in a shallow world ?
Because you don't even try care about what I see in a mirror ?
You wish for so much I don't know if what I want wants me
Yet you're not willing to give because I gave it all away
Controlling everything con the trolling, the mistress and her green lawns my seed
It's not worth it turn the tables desire dominance
Deep down
I know this
Yet still I try
And for what?
Absolutely nothing
Not a damned thing is there anymore
It's all gone
Washed away in the flood
You can't escape your past
You'll never see
You've never felt pain
You've never dealt with betrayal
You have no clue what it's like
To be torn apart
From the inside the apprentice becomes the master
Everything ripped out of you magic breathes when wind knocked out of magic
There's nothing left butterfly wings from out of a cocoon
like xylem sucking earth core water table we don't see under desert oasis
And then you're filled
With things that only other people want Do they want me really ?
Until you're nothing but what they want you to be true but it isn't me who they want
And then they leave you
After they fucking make you
They fucking leave you
With nothing
With nobody
With no hopes love hope faith drive hunger done
And no dreams no conscience no nightmares
people do only what they can get away doing and no more
An empty shell my guitar hears me sing
Filled with their ideas someone has sung my song from the begining
Their hopes
Their dreams I know what I wanted
Their cast offs
Their faults when I say hi you smile
Their flaws scar tissue
Their falsities reality
You're nothing but their fucking garbage I am the toxic sperm carrier nuclear atomic damnapple
And you have to dig your way out
Tearing through the waste
Trying to find a shred of something good Is she real, is she s decoy?
Something to hold onto What a hot mom ass, did I even see her child?
Something you can never fucking have
And as you search I drank water in the kid park because I was poor and thirsty
And search
And search
You realize there's no getting out
You'll never get rid of the trash they shoved into you actually I don't give a damn, I am good enough
for whatever occurs
Contaminated, you seek
Infecting others to alleviate the loneliness what is the opposite of loneliness, I do not know what
real friends are, real brother, real mother, real teacher, is anyone real?
Till you get slammed with the worst wrestling is fake also
You're still what they made you I fucked my flip flop it felt good, I always do something new that is me,
that is my progeny, they too will fuck flip flops like me, and I don't feel
bad about sitting bull either
And you're doing it to others
So you stop
But it's still IN YOU!
Now to get rid of it
It's impossible
It's part of you
It'll always be there Impulses can be driven out in time, I am patient I trust the grand
So you live with it
And hope and fucking pray
To a god you don't believe in
That it'll never take over
But it's always there
In the back of your mind
Deep in your heart
You can't escape it
You can't get rid of it
You can't do anything
But live I will smoke 40 cigarettes when I get out of hell, right now I can't have a
beer either but I know times will change, I will drink again even if they
want this blind monk to make more Champagne I can do it over and over
again, until the last time
adoy upside down
Don't try to help me
You'll only make it worse
Don't pity me for this
I'll only hate you more
Don't think I'll be ok
I know I'll never be
Don't hope for me
You're wasting your time
Don't ever think you know me
I don't even know myself
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