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I wish it was just a dream-SH4

The only place I thougt I was safe, is now disturbing and dangerous.
Like a neverending nightmare.
I used to be happy, now my life is filled with fear.
Those monsters is everywhere.
Haunting me, trying to take my life away.
I'm locked inside this world, where pain and suffering is all I feel.
And I keep asking myself, are they real?
I wish it was just a dream.

It's no one to talk too, no one to ask.
No one to tell me why I'm stuck with this horrible task.
I wish it was just a dream, and when I wake up everything is as it always has been.

When I wake up in my bed,
knowing It was only inside my head.
And this pain I feel wasn't real.
It was all inside my head.
I wish it was just a dream.