So lets play pretend
like there's nowhere you'd rather be.
Lets play pretend
like that somewhere is here with me.
Lets play pretend
like I'm your only everything
Now lets play pretend
like its only my heart you want hanging on a string.
Lets play pretend
like this world of mine isn't just imaginary
Like its not all day dreams and false hopes but the contrary
Lets play pretend
like you could feel the same
And now i try so hard to play pretend that this isn't all just a sick game.
So lets play pretend
that the sun misses the moon when it goes down
Lets play pretend that in a tidal wave i can swim and won't drown.
Lets play pretend
like you weren't the king of my lamest hour
Like those words you said weren't like poison but a soft touch of a flower.
But then lets grow up and face reality
break away from this over played fallacy
Lets face it when the dice don't role a seven
When we know we're not meant for wings , a halo and heaven.
Lets face it the truth and not close it up with lies.
Lets be happy with Hellos and content with Goodbyes.
Lets understand that the stars aren't just there to be wished apon
lets understand that the right way could somehow be wrong
Lets not get swept away by the talk of rich men
lets snap the sword that is mightier than the pen.
Lets step forward when everyone else steps to the sides
lets meet the danger when everyone else cowers and hides.
Now lets play pretend like we're not pretending
like this is just the beginning and not the ending...
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