Tell me my friend what is it that drove you to the edge
confide in me my friend why is it you're on this ledge
Come down my friend and entrust me with your story
Tell it for the truth and not for the blackened glory
Share with me my friend why your tears fall like rain
Tell me my friend why your hearts under so much strain.
He helped me up this ladder , then pushed me to the ground
He charmed me with his lies, telling me this was the truest love he'd ever found
He led me to this room all dark smoke and filthy mirrors
Built up my heart but now it crumbles and it withers
I don't know how i could of fallen for such a trickster
My mind so bruised and broken don't know if i can ever fix her.
Why my friend are you climbing ever higher
Tell me my friend why would you die for such a liar
Steady my friend it is not your time to fall
We cannot run my friend until we've learnt to crawl
Speak to me my friend, share with me your burden.
He told me all these stories, how do i know which ones are true
Im sorry my friend i will speak, but i cannot come back down to you
This pain is to deep, it holds me by its side
My mind is racing my friend it cannot find a place to hide
His love may have been false, but mine to him was real
Im weighed down by this sadness, its all i'll ever feel
Forgive me but this is where my story must now end
Remember me as i was and good bye to you my friend
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