Poem Comments

I'm your problem not mine

I'm your problem not mine Dru Kay

Is it human nature to question everything if so god how can there be a hell for non-believers?
If we are made in your image and get punished for disbelief them are you not the ultimate deceiver?
If ignorance is bliss then I will take the pain of knowledge
I will always strive forward, of you though I will never acknowledge.
To me, I must follow what I believe true, while rejecting all the bullocks and it just so happens that it includes you.
Preachers fill the mouth of god with their sugar-coated lies, I can't wait til they get judged at the gates by peter for their wasted lives.
Am I a sinner or am I a saint, be I evil or good?
does it matter or will I burn?
To these questions I have one answer, I will smoke my cigarettes eat my chocolate I will do all those fun things that, due to your theoretical hypocracy you never will!