As a womyn, I don't want the standards to be "lowered" because they say "you can't work like a man". I want fair & just standards that are considered gender-neutral that could apply to everyone.
As a womyn, I don't want "submission" to be considered my nature.
As a womyn, I want to be a counter-part as opposed to a subset.
As a womyn, I don't want to be hyper-sexualized, but rather sexually embraced & appreciated.
As a womyn, I want to receive the respect I give.
As a womyn, I don't want to be told to "save my sexuality" for "the one" — because "the one doesn't exist.
As a womyn, I want to be considered a human being, as opposed to a second class citizen of my culture & society.
As a womyn, I'm going to be empowered.
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