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The Ancient Vampiric Count

In the long forgotten tomb, covered in ancient dust, decay and rot
The moonlight illuminates the tomb through broken shards of glass in arched gothic windows
Lays a undead corpse, a creature of the night, with a unquenched thirst for blood
Satiated by the lifeforce, energy and blood of the living, from a living soul
The horrors of the fiend’s existence are showed to any who are brave enough to enter the tomb
Woe onto those that disturb the restless slumber, of the ancient vampiric count
For you shall pay dearly with your body, your energy, your blood & your soul
Offer your body, energy & blood willingly & you shall be gifted with eternal life, enslaved to serve the ancient, vampiric count forever
But you shall never become sick, decay or die
You will be cursed to live forever, to watch everything & everyone you love & care about age, decay and die
Feast upon the blood of your enemies, but seduced & charm your lovers
Take pride in your nocturnal, undead existence, thrive within the darkness, become one with the shadows, the children of the night will serve you
Willing slaves that offer their body, flesh, energy, blood for you to devour
Donors for blood and sex on demand in a endless supply until you are satiated