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The Devil's Vampiric Embrace

Innocent and faire maiden, white as snow
I beckon thee into my arms, into my immortal embrace
Come to me, my sweet, little angel, don’t turn away in fear
Nothing compares to your sweet innocence
So easy to tempt, seduce, entice, corrupt, to use like a fuckdoll, a willing sex slave
You are mine! You belong to me! My little plaything, that I adore with all of my black little heart. You are mine forever, our souls are intertwined in a loving embrace frozen in time
You want to be controlled, you want, need, crave to be enslaved, to be owned
You crave to be my lover, my possession, beguiled by my mesmerising gaze, under my spell
You are seduced by my energy, enticed into a trance, enchanted by it
A past life bond of the heart, mind, body and soul that will never die
influenced in your dreams, your waking thoughts are plagued by me, my energy, inescapable
I will love and cherish you forever, my little angel, so soft-hearted and kind
Your pain will be sweet ecstasy, you’re pleasure will be agony and sweet surrender
Give yourself to me fully, mind, body and soul, wholeheartedly, my little whore
I want to devour you completely, so you are forever a part of me
Come into my embrace, be not afraid, for I am your guardian, father, lover, avenger, protector, master
It only takes one subtle moment of time, a brief moment of pain for an eternity of love, passion, immortal love without end
Close your eyes and sleep my love forever more, in my eternal embrace
You are safe in my arms, you are never alone and always loved
My sweet angel, my divine precious little whore