All-Father, wise one, strategist
Father of all the Norse Gods & Goddesses in the nine realms
I see your ravens watching over me, sending me messages from Midgard
Let my enemies destroy themselves and watch their downfall, to fed to your corpse eaters Geri & Freki
Bring hellfire from the Goddess Hel’s realm onto the head of those that would deceive me with their insidious lies and treachery
Please guide me with your wisdom, knowledge, wise one, show me the way when I falter, when I suffer needlessly
Comfort me when I feel alone and abandoned in the world, when all that is shown to me is sadism, pain, suffering, sadistic cruelty
Help me to strengthen my will, my spirit, to forge a unbreakable resilience that no force of nature will ever destroy
Fill my heart with rage, love, gift e with your influence, power to forge my path
To enact your will, to heal those in need, in pain, and show them love, compassion, comfort from the brutality, cruelty and predatory nature of the world
I honour thee, All-Father and I am grateful for your acceptance, protection, your energy, presence, knowledge & wisdom in my life
Hail Óðinn, the All-Father!
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