It is time to cast our votes
Votes: 5
/ 234 posts
02 Nov 24 2:41 pm
/ 329 posts
12 Nov 24 11:23 pm
There are women on my American side who are very intimidated by the idea of having Trump for president. I've been following the US election as best as I can, I don't think it'll be as bad as they fear but still.... the things that Trump says and how he says it doesn't inspire confidence.
/ 329 posts
13 Nov 24 9:27 pm
What would the US be like if instead of Donald Trump it was Donald Duck elected for President?
/ 234 posts
14 Nov 24 6:10 pm *
Trump brings values to the U.S. that concern my idea of a better country. He eliminates criminals who enter illegally, he stops outsourcing of major production that gives the working class jobs, police no longer have to fear doing their job, and he rids the bullshit that interferes with our economy. People are too " polically correct" and fear to hear it like it is hence is why people fear Trump. He stands for America and Australia. He is stern and took action to meet the leader of North Korea, and was diplomatic with Putin as well. As an American I witnesseed great chages here during his presidency and i admire his ability and ideas to make deals with great leaders to manage a better world. Trumps descions and actions clearly annilate poverty and wars.
/ 329 posts
17 Nov 24 11:48 pm
Trump sounds like an angry 14-year-old boy with the way he speaks and what he says.

I've looked into the issue of illegal immigrants in the US and so far, I have learnt it is a genuine issue but statistically not as severe as Trump makes it sound. Can't help but feel he's using the issue as a scapegoat and provoke fear into people to vote for him.

Whereas for "...police no longer have to fear doing their job" I remember the George Floyd incident and countless others I've lost count. It demonstrates that the US Police are afraid and tend to overreact, becoming 'trigger-happy' and I understand why. From memory Trump didn't seem to say much about BLM and the riots.

I'm definitely not 'politically correct' and tend to state things for how they are, but I'm analytical and diplomatic about it. I think critical thinking is lost on the majority of people these days.

I asked relatives in the US about what it was like living in the US when Trump was President and they said, "the economy was great but suddenly it became socially acceptable to be outspokenly racist."

I've also observed a lot of Toxic people that wildly support Trump, I mean sending text messages to women saying, "your body my choice" sounds a bit 'Rapey.' *cringe*

I admit don't like Trump, but I tend to look at issued analytically and who knows.... maybe this time around things will be different. 👌
/ 329 posts
17 Nov 24 11:50 pm
Overall, my belief is that politicians should make people's lives better. And by people, I mean EVERYONE, regardless of gender, race, sexuality. I'm skeptical if Trump has everyone's interest at heart but I could be wrong....we'll have to wait and see.
/ 1 posts
18 Nov 24 5:44 am
Yikes America picked the worst option Hopefully trump wont run this country through the mud, I want a somewhat decent future
/ 234 posts
18 Nov 24 4:39 pm
I am sure we can all agree that we would of rather have had Harris over Biden.
I cant wait til Trump starts firing people 😅
/ 234 posts
18 Nov 24 4:41 pm
Im also sure glad the campaign ads are gone for 4 years now
/ 329 posts
18 Nov 24 10:32 pm
Yeah....Biden didn't seem bad but he's an old fella' and didn't seem to be up for the task anymore. Harris is a step up but I think she got pushed out of her comfort zone and wasn't really confident. Trump project confidence and assertiveness that people like but let's face it.....he says stupid things. I'm sorry but I've paid attention to what Trump says and he's just like the Bogans I've met over the years. It's a worry.
/ 329 posts
18 Nov 24 10:34 pm
Duvetlapine wrote:
Yikes America picked the worst option Hopefully trump wont run this country through the mud, I want a somewhat decent future

From what I hear, he might be able to clear the US debt and fix the country's economy but with social issues.....I dunno'. Trump strikes me as the personality type who is more concerned with tangible matters but not so good with social matters.
/ 234 posts
23 Nov 24 7:56 pm
i do know he will be addressing the plumbing issues here in America.
/ 329 posts
26 Nov 24 9:56 pm
Nivram wrote:
i do know he will be addressing the plumbing issues here in America.

LOL I've seen this before and can't help but feel like it's getting all fiery about nothing. I remember going to a toilet at a restaurant once, when I was washing my hands, a girl walked in. It was awkward but I just said "I think you got the wrong bathroom" she said "ahhhhh no, I think you got the wrong bathroom" I said "have a look at the sign on the door" it was the Men's Toilet. She looked embarrassed and walked away. Apart from that nothing happened, our heads didn't explode, and God didn't kill a kitten. People these days care way too much about very little. If you're going to allow boys in the girl's toilets then girls should be allowed in the boys toilets and if that's the case, just have gender neutral toilets. We got them at some places down here, it's really not a big deal.👌 😊
/ 234 posts
27 Nov 24 3:46 am
All I want is a [Goths Only] Restroom.
/ 329 posts
27 Nov 24 10:25 pm
Nivram wrote:
All I want is a [Goths Only] Restroom.

LOL 🤣 I can't argue on that...well I could but I really don't want to. Woohoo, Goths only bathroom!