There's just too much that time cannot erase.
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Star Sign: Aries
Sexuality: Pansexual
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5'2" (157cm)
Location: Monroe, Louisiana, United States
Signup Date: 13 Jul 11
Account Type: Free
Profile Hits: 1097
Latest Blog: FUCK high school.
Latest Artwork: untitled
Latest Poem: If you could see her
Member is offline Last Online: 11 years ago
about me
I am extremely too nice. I answer every comment, accept every request, and will always try to make people smile so they never feel like I do. I will not be friends with bullies or anyone rude for that matter. Being mean is really unattractive and it will get you nowhere. I will definitely talk to you if you've had a bad day or you need a smile. Talk to me. |
I'm really interested in body modifications from tattoos and piercings to branding and scarification. I love the rain and the beach. I've always adored being in the water. I love 80's glam metal and 90's alternative. Panda bears are cute as hell and sometimes I act like a cat. ok. |