Gender: Male
Age: 35
Star Sign: Gemini
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Sexuality: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Height: 6'2" (188cm)
Location: Dunfermline, United Kingdom
Signup Date: 30 Aug 06
Account Type: Free
Profile Hits: 4825
Latest Blog: Hey
Latest Artwork: Darks
Latest Poem: No Poems
Member is offline Last Online: 8 years ago
about me
[*About Me*]
Im Sick And Im Twisted, Im Broke And You Cant Fix It. Lyrics the describe me perfectly !! Hey im matt. erm thats all ^^. Matt is (now) 18 and due to get older much to his unhappyness lol. hes about 6ft tall and retarded as hell. Hes protective of everone he cares for and is freinds with and will usually stand up for them if hes there. He fucks up loads and most of the time really badly so if he does then hes sorry and probly didnt mean it. Hes been through really rough times in his life and the things that have happened to him he wouldnt wish on his worst enemy. But those things have made him the care free retard eveyone knows and loves lol. Hes also a practicing wicca so if you are also you can help me ^^ all tips apreciated lol. Im a massive manga/anime Otaku, I also Cosplay although my only costume right now is Dante from DMC 4. mah till next time i write stuff about my self in 3rd person .... byeeesesesessess
Dead,magic,melee weapons but mainly swords,Graveyard, love to be alone to wander and look at everything and anything around me,art,drawings,doodles, *more to be added as i think of them* Anime/manga: FMA, Bleach, Shaman king. One peice and Blazin Barrels
Music drawing doodling freinds morbidness (has a morbid humour) my hair i fucking love my hair.
most things bordom chavs teachers preps skool not having something to draw on. not being with freinds when i wanna be. being with people when i wanna be alone
[*Fave Music*]
Sum 41- papa roach -Soad- offspring -billy talent- Hanson ^^ *yes im weird* |