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You can only run so Far, Until you reach the End

Gender: Female
Age: 28
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Ethnicity: Mixed
Religion: Non-believer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5'0" (155cm)
Weight: 95 lbs (43kg)
Location: Seattle, Washington (State), United States

Signup Date: 27 Jan 11
Account Type: Free

Profile Hits: 757
Latest Blog: Any Suggestions?
Latest Artwork: No Artwork
Latest Poem: A Clocks Heartbeat

Member is offline
Last Online: 11 years ago

Buddies: 36 [view]
Followers: 5 [view]

Profile Last Updated: 07 Jun 12 12:49 am
about me
Hey, I'm Amara, Call me Luna. I'm an EMO/SCENE BISEXUAL BITCH. I love to WRITE & READ. I'm a SINGER & SCREAMER. I do SEVEN different styles of DANCE. I'm a MODEL for TCM. My Belly Button is Pierced. I'm VERY FLEXIBLE. XD (just throwing that in there) I love to SNOWBOARD, SKATEBOARD, & SURF. I'm a RAVER. Name's OBNOXIA. I'm always here if you need SOMEONE to LISTEN or TALK to. My FRIENDS are EVERYTHING to me. My Besties would be, Aaron, Oscar, AJ, Rosario, Hannah, Annie, Jonnah, Chris, Brandon, & Bella. I don't care if you use bad GRAMMAR or TXT language becuase I do it all the time. I'm a total SWEETHEART...When I want to be. XD But...If YOU BITCH AT ME, I'LL BITCH RIGHT BACK. I curse a lot sorry about that. I'm not ONLINE that often anymore so, If you COMMENT or MSG me I'll try to get back to you ASAIC (As Soon As I Can). I Listen to Dead Mau5, Skrillex, B.O.T.D.F, Brokencyde, Bring Me To The Horizon, Falling in Reverse, Nirvana, etc. Last thing you should know is...I'M JUST ME, ME AND NOTHING MORE. If you wanna talk HMU :) a:link { font-family: Showcard Gothic; color: #CC0099; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14; text-decoration: underline; } a:hover { font-family: Showcard Gothic; color: #9900CC; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14; text-decoration: underline; } a:visited { font-family: Showcard Gothic; color: #FF00CC; font-style: italic; font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14; text-decoration: underline; }

Skateboarding, Snowboarding , Surfing, Music, Books, Electronics, Running, Graffiti, TEXTING, Singing, Dancing, Modeling, Poetry, Video games, Solving Rubix Cubes xD

FAKES, Lairs, Cheaters, Backstabbers, Whores, Players, Hypocrites, Stuck up Jerks, He/She loves you one day and hates you the next, Clingy people, Big Shots, Wannabes , Snitches. etc.

favourite music
Brokencyde, Escape the Fate, Black Veil Brides, Dot Dot Curve, Bring Me To The Horizon, 3oh!3, Evanescence, Metro Station, Owl City, Cold Play, Dead Mau5, Skrillex, B.O.T.D.F, Paramore,Falling in Reverse, Nirvana, All Time Low, P.O.M.P-(youtube)...IN OTHER WORDS I LISTEN TO WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT....
















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