-R.I.P Jovan &' Maxi.)
Gender: Female
Age: 30
Star Sign: Cancer
Sexuality: Pansexual
Marital Status: Engaged
Location: lost with-in, United States
Signup Date: 26 Feb 10
Account Type: Free
Profile Hits: 239
Latest Blog: No Entries
Latest Artwork: No Artwork
Latest Poem: No Poems
Member is offline Last Online: 11 years ago
about me
Get Zombified !
|19|bisexual|college sphomore|free spirited|engaged|
I'm mad crazy , so go ahead && try to understand me !
Just cause I tell you your cute does not mean I would like to fuck you. Just pointing that out.
Don't bring bull shit drama to my life.
I don't play games . Be who you are going to be , don't fake it . I focus on the good energy around instead of the negative . I'm a Wicca from birth ; just how it goes . If you can't take me for me , then just leave my page bitches . I won't deny I fucked up a lot in life but i'm okay with that ; Who hasn't ? I learned from my mistakes . I'm happy with who I am &&' where i'm at in life . I don't know where I'm goinnn' but I can't wait until I get there . I'm still writinn' my crazy story in life ; C a r e to join it ? (:
I do actually give a fuck about school . I fight hard & don't take no shit.
I love meeting new people. Hugs are the best thing to brighten anyones day(:
Music is the thing that makes me tick . I'm mostly screamo, heavy metal, hard rock . Yeah that shit . But I have my moments where yes I listen to softer shit .
Enjoyable things; Nice people. Long conversations. Laughing. Your face (maybe) Dancing in the rain like a freak. Music. Little kids (not in the creepy way). Psychology.
Dislikes; Jerks aren't my style. Get off my page if all you want is rude ass pictures or dirty talk. I hate when I can't read what your typing so if you can't type or spell fuck off. One word answers won't get you a response. The most it will get you is a rude comment back.
If you wish ask for the yahoo :p
Any questions feel free to ask (:
Add me on faceeebook(:
Oh yeah , haters stay off my page , mkay ? |