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The face of a demon the soul of a poet. Thats me.

Gender: Male
Age: 111
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Religion: Buddhist
Sexuality: Pansexual
Marital Status: In Relationship
Height: 6'0" (183cm)
Weight: 140 lbs (63kg)
Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom

Signup Date: 12 Mar 07
Account Type: Free

Profile Hits: 8091
Latest Blog: What is love? (1)
Latest Artwork: untitled
Latest Poem: The race

Member is offline
Last Online: 9 years ago

Buddies: 8 [view]
Followers: 8 [view]

Profile Last Updated: 13 Oct 12 4:44 pm
about me

How can you profile perfection?

Well now, who am I? I'm a slightly crazy, immensely fun guy with "peter pan" syndrome - I never wanna grow up! I live life to the full and at full throttle, coz if you feel like you’re in control, your not going fast enough!

My heart is dead and the dead keep it
If you can bring it to life
It’s yours
I don’t need it

Another chink for the world to attack,
So you can take it away
It’s yours
I don’t want it back

I prefer to be dead and made of stone
A monolith a statue
I’ll be alone

I am dead and I say so be it
You can’t force me to life
Love is pain
Can’t you see it?

I need to let this pain inside
Find a way through my fair hide
Let if pour fourth from within
To cleanse my heart to cleanse my skin
Parting of flesh with gentle sting
An opening rose all fluttering
Let this pain fly true and free
The ruby liquor I want to see
I seek not death, nor prying eyes
Just sweet release of souls soft cries

Borderline:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Information --


Many and varied, but my current obsession is planning interesting ways to take over the world and inject some justice and common sense into it.

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Don’t be a sheep and follow blindly after all the other sheep in the world, Dare to be different, dare to stand out and make your own path!

I love art, photography and design, if it looks good I will probably love it :)


- People working in McDonalds that ask me if I want to wait. - No you bloody muppet, I don't want to wait, I've come to a fast food resturaunt for a reason, why would I want to bloody wait?!?!???! Grrrrrr

- Flakes, Fakes and Braggers - Why try to be something your not, get a damn life!

- People who say "I love you" and don't mean it. Stop with that shit man, it hurts.

- The pain the follows in loves wake

favourite music

I have eclectic tastes in music that ranges from Bjork to Mastodon, but my current favourites are;
- Killswitch Engage
- Rage Against The Machine
- Slipknot
- Stone Sour
- Mastodon
- Clutch
- Soil
- Velvet Revolver
- Sick Puppies
- Under Oath

Live music is better and going to concerts and gigs is mucho fun!

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