Gender: Female
Age: 30
Star Sign: Virgo
Ethnicity: Mixed
Sexuality: Pansexual
Marital Status: Engaged
Height: 5'3" (160cm)
Weight: 300 lbs (136kg)
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
Signup Date: 10 Feb 13
Account Type: Free
Profile Hits: 161
Latest Blog: No Entries
Latest Artwork: Faceless eye
Latest Poem: Baffled beyond Words that Work
Member is offline Last Online: 11 years ago
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Followers: 1 [view]
Profile Last Updated: 11 Feb 13 5:22 am
about me
Hey there. (: My name is Bella. I plan to own my own tattoo parlor one day and I've been lucky enough to get a taste of tattooing thanks to a dear friend. I am also an indigo child, so ive been told, and very open to "gifted" things. I do not judge others because I believe everyone is equal and has a purpose. I also hate when people force their beliefs on others, so most of the time I keep a lot to myself because people don't always uderstand or want to understand. I would love to meet people like me, but I haven't really had any luck. /: I am really laid back and I love to share love with people. Do not be afraid to ask me anything. I've been told I'm "scary" looking, but really I'm sweet.
~if I can't make you smile, you can steal mine forever |
I am a total music junkie, I can not function without my music unless it's one of those weird days I get. I also love art, books, knowledge, experiencing new things/people, piercings/tattoos/scarification/ etc; being different(even when it gets lonely), things related to the astral plane, being creative, helping others, my list goes on. |
Horror, in anything from art to books, movies, music, etc.
Creativity, weirdness, love, emotion of any kind, expression (I love seeing into people especially when they are completely open), people who can make a person love them no matter what, being different (even when it gets lonely), heights, cloud watching, studying people's faces (my favorite parts are the eyes and lips), my list goes on forever. |
People who. . .
Judge others before they get to know them or because they have a superiority complex,
Act like assholes just because they can (don't even get me started on bullying),
Always have to be right and never listen,
My list about people goes on. . .
Spiders, don't get me wrong spiders are awesome as hell, but I've had bad experiences with them that made me super terrified of them,
When someone tightens the soda bottle top so tight I have to cut the damn thing off,
When i'm having a bad day and something makes it worse,
When books have shitty endings or kill off my favorite character(s),
Hang nails |
favourite music
Hahahahah! You're funny if you think I am going to name every band I love and no I can not just pick a few because that would be like picking my favorite rain drop out of a thunderstorm. Most music I am pretty open to, but there is one kind I absolutely hate to the point it makes my ears bleed, of which is country music. As a kid I was forced to listen to it too much, plus to me it just sounds awful. Granted some of the stuff I listen to sounds like a brain tumor having an orgasim in an eye socket while the person is being maliciously tortured. So really here maybe Im the one in bad taste, (:. |