Gender: Male
Age: 33
Star Sign: Taurus
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Sexuality: Straight
Marital Status: In Open Relationship
Height: 5'8" (173cm)
Weight: 155 lbs (70kg)
Location: Big Bad Texas, United States
Signup Date: 15 Aug 12
Account Type: Free
Profile Hits: 759
Latest Blog: No Entries
Latest Artwork: The Black Dahlia
Latest Poem: No Poems
Member is offline Last Online: 11 years ago
about me
Black Dahlia Animation Video
like and subscribe MildNudity.DeviantArt.com view the other images, please and thanks (:
Video Games
Resident Evil
Legend of Zelda
sounds of the Scottish Air/Bag pipe.
Fat Lips and Round Eyes.
I actually obsess over lips
Classic Video Game Music (ie: Resident Evil 2, Zelda Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask, Donkey Kong Country, 007 Goldeneye)
Owls hooting
the sounds of a distant train passing by.
colors: Red, Turquoise, purple. |
I dislike the fuck out of: Skrillex, DeadMau5, Blood on the Dancefloor, Black Veil Brides, 99.98% of Rap today.
when you complain so much to me and refuse to help yourself out.
"rated you 10 rate me back please" "add me. I will love you forever" if I wanted some whore-der to beg me for shit
I would let you know when I'm in need of another BlowJob
when YOU try so hard to compare me to you. You are NOT me!
Hot dogs. Chicken wings
I hate that I'm so predictable and possibly typical.
when you ask for my name. . . Really? If a monkey could speak, he'd smack the crap out of your mouth.
favourite music