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Forum: Site Support + Suggestions Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
24 Jun 08 6:23 am  

write better


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Forum: World Events Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
14 Jul 19 10:50 pm  
Gun Control

I am a registered democrat and the bicameral legislative congress kinda shoots our self in the foot. The Independent party is our only hope and yet once you decide you are a democrat you can't vote any other way so, until that rule gets thrown out we can't have the independent party saving us from our own divisiveness. We need people that believe that neither party is right, and the voting system is false even though Trump had House of Representatives and the Senate with a Republican majority in the first go around. Now he lost the house and can't get anything passed. It was the first time that a President had control of congress since the 1950's, it was either Eisenhower or Truman that had a full house, but if you allow guns which is constitutional, the bill of rights, 1st amendment to provide people to secure their own safety or to go hunting, I don't think that we will ever lose the guns although it might happen. I like when the off duty cops take some people down on the sly, but you know these school shootings are proliferating and we might rebuke the right to have guns; but if you outlaw guns then only outlaws will have guns and yet they are discussing this right now. The whole interior of the country votes republican, the states on the oceans vote democrat, so it seems we need guns to take down a wild coyote or something


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Forum: Site Support + Suggestions Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
29 Mar 13 4:46 pm  
He's Right

CoolSilver wrote:
I had the suggestion to make the main forum categories visible to everyone. Basically pages Board.php and Forum.php pages visible to see what is being discussed. (topic names, who made it, who last posted)

Threads themselves you have to login.

I thought it was silly as hell to block the MAIN FEATURE of the site from being viewed by non-members.... What is making new users sign up... the 14 year old fakes that signed up 15 mins before them?

That sounds like a good idea. I am an interesting person and meet very many people who ask to see where I write on a forum, but they are reluctant to join a site blind. So even though I advertise for the site, the inaccessibility of it prevents new members from throwing their hat into the ring. Also, probably GOOGLE can't scan a page that would lead people whom are searching for the very thing we are talking about in the forums, so we are a little bit of a cul de sac. It seems like a dead end because the information on the forums is cloaked in a way. People searching for some information, would be led here, read what they want and see some of the fine minds that round table serious shit on here, be attracted by other items of interest and lay down some stake in the finances of the site by joining. Saying Facebook has pull is ridiculous, or other sites too, we are a different kind of site, with a very special forum, that is as fun as it is enlightening.


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Forum: Dreams + The Paranormal Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
24 Jul 15 5:46 pm  

Arak_Drakoniz wrote:
I had a dream that a bunch of people were telling me to give up on my dreams and then started pressuring me to join the military so I could have college paid for when I was done. I strated screaming and yelling at them out of distress and said some very callous things to them regarding their choices in life.

You can't take college if you are dead.


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
27 Aug 17 8:58 pm  

Real men eat quiche...


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Forum: Creative Expressions Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
24 Apr 18 5:57 pm  
President McPherson in 2218 gets taken down today...

I just woke up to a new reality, a writer can never die right? Well, My next door neighbor turned into a child because he was ass raped at 9, and his parents came through in the year 2004 and a Coptic assassin from Hell level 4 came through and wiped out people that killed me in the days before. I did not know I was Presidential, and they like to kill people for a living around here for that Canada thing, Eh? So it is me and Imhotep, and this is planet Spermacide. Swift has risen from the grave perhaps he was ina prison of some kind. You know that Bachman Turner Overdrive is having a show and a tour with Taylor Swift because when her mother was pregnant Taylor listened to Def Leppard and then when Turner and Bachman got fat from living so well, they put on Taylor Swift music and lost weight on exercise machines to her music, so this is going to be the fat girl and fat man tour.

Jonathon Swift and TS Elliot, who wrote the Wasteland, because when I was at Public Places, or Webster Hall, I met a dancer named Mary who was a court stenographer, and she used to dance in latex and I was on Dust, now Dust before smoking cigarettes makes the lungs great because they are preserved and that is a secret to smoking, so people are backwards and may in the years ahead smoke when the hundred years pass of the time before on Earth when the roaring twenties comes and the government has an intervention on your ass, and they don't let you do things and then they dump product to make prices easier on the people that lost all their money in 2009 when Bush raided every bodies bank account and left 70,000 dollars in every bodies account, Mary knew this much about the crimes of NYC...

I need the keys to my aparment so I can have my keys back to give to a real friend that visits instead of you setting it up to kill me as a sinister minister three times a day, and I have stepped out and visited 2 Floral looking for Carigan in the future where I was assassinated last night backwards with the flag half staff and Bampy jumping into the computer at the end of the night, and then people being pissed off that I would not have life. BLue Tower Book 2 is doing great, the KGB book 3 should go to Bampy in French, and then I have one down state pressed for release in 9 years. He who controls time controls war, war time and time in war move different and it seems a minutes passes as you cry, and put down your gun but then people die off, and you have to fight like the 12 Majors that my father took out as Scout in World War 2 in 1957, was the actual date, with the 12 year dog thing, life was backwards, and my father did the real time, dying in 2079 last night bumping himself, so he gets burned by a Pyre as a Vampire that we all turn into, and I should call him up, my stepfather dies at 87, so the unit gets one better or more that that.


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Forum: General Discussion Posts: 1174 | Location: (Finland) | Account Type: Free
27 Aug 17 9:39 pm  
Read it once learn it forever...

The stomach has papillae that absorbs nutrients, they are cute grooves in the stomach, and enzymes from the liver flow through the bloodstream, and the vitamin key attaches to the enzyme to activate it to digest; maybe it is good not to eat, so that the vitamin keys and the enzymes have a chance to regroup?