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Back to the Bronx

Um, well, the susopension is over, I will go baack to Vampire Rave, if I still have a mind, and the time to share what I had on a butiful future for me or life in general, but the gam of life is so deep because it is so shallow, and therefore a script has to be created for us to all get a long. I dunno, I belived in love, I really did, and now it seems Tamara only wanted to have my baby and not be with me. When the vampire plot ends, I am not sure what is reality anymore, it seems there is no way to die, no way to fail, and no one would dare kill me because it seems the human race has died and they need me for some biological reason.

I walked up to Yankee stadium today from Bronx Science, and I closed the third eye successfully and made it rain twice in the Bronx and one time in Queens. I walked down the middle of the road all day, between the double yellow, and the cops looked the other way, aparently people seem to want to know what I am doing. So anyways, after I prayed to the Gods east west and south and North, mecca style, I got the paramecium out of my eyes, did the caliper trick for healing of all the body parts, and then as I was praying to Mecca, I was over a subway grill designed for me to be infected with the subway virus that has been sweeping america. So I got up and the atomic symbol in my eyes was quickly invaded by a plethora of organisms seemingly from another planet, giving people rot gut of different kinds. I feel high in a good giddy way, and will be made into a pliable husband. But I have been having to do all this play acting, to try to make girls, they took the last straight man on the planet and made him confused. I hope it goes away. My mind has been elsewhere, a better place, other than games, but I really wanted my daughters to be straight, and i don't know what is up and down.

Anyways as I fell around Manhattan I was helped by people and chased like I am the one who was supposed to rise, the one rising, and I don't like it, some guy even gave me a fat lip on 42nd street, just so my girls would have bee stung lips.

Yes I work on cars, and I built a bar oon Spring street from the ground up in SOHO, where I donated my DJ system to because I was retiring from the spot light.

Then I went over to Bronx Science and a crowd gathered and put me on U-tube. Why design a game to make me ascend? I was fine before, now I am some sex slave who can take control because I have money. What about love? Now I get my cig and then I prepare for the train ride to the Georgia O'keeffe exhibition where I am sure it is already been decided whom my wife to be is. I can role play, I can do anything.

So anyways, closing the anal sphincter, the solar plexus, sealing the mouth, closing the third eye Chakra, and the soul in the hole at the crown of the pate, took some work, it was very difficult to do, but I had been taught the rules, so I did it on my knees summoning rain, and gesticulating with my hands, and pretty much people were fascinated not by my presence, but over joyous I was going to make children. They want my blood. Where is the sperm bank, this turkey is done.

And so every time I would geert to closeing the third or fourth window of the soul kettle, and I got the paramecium out of my eye, then it came back, and then when I leaned over the sewer, I prolly got all of the bugs in my eyes, in which case they lived short times, and then after aa while my immune system got real smart and killed of these stupid little alien bugs passed through breath, and when I was found lying on the ground outside the Church of Incarnation I told the group that I had come up with the serum to cure the shit and save mankind. Maybe I am the Messiah, I don't care, I am just a super hero who wants one woman and one mistress, and keep these dumb secrets in the family, while solving the problem of mankinds weak white blood cells, through my devopment of the fatty acid shwaan cell cure of blood doping. YOu will all be innoculated from my blood, and then you get the stud semen shot for your hysterical wombs. My children will be better than me.

Anyways I am not to thrilled at the development of my life or this thread, and if you have no more questions, I would like to get my mind back at VF, and try to forget about this dumb life plot to make me the authority on shit, and how to health this and that, I just don't know where to draw the line, I mean, what of life isn't fake? It seems like I am the only thing real. Or was. It was better when I was dead.
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