It is part of the process to molest boys to turn them gay and to make them walk with the power of the holy ghost as saviors for the next generation. Sacrificing children is part and parcel with civilization. They can't stop it, but they learn to ontrol it. I have heard people tell me about what it is like to molest someone, they feel like they are puppets, doing what was done to them to others sadistically.
Gay people don't like being gay, and they become part of the workforce to create a better future, this is why children are sacrificed, people have to know how delicate life is, otherwise how can any of us be protectors or know what to look for as in terms of trouble. In the future, molestors will not be needed to function in society with their puppet role from the past, kicking a dog when they come home from work because the boss kicked them. Abuse is a cycle yes, but soon their will be a cycle of love, and love is more powerful than evil, but love has to know evil for heaven to descend.
I don't think it is called murder sunspots. murder is the casting of the first stone. We did not murder Hitlers legions, we killed them, they murdered the Jews 6 million of them a 5 million other ethnic minorities. They let the lesbians live however, think a germanic Messiah could come along and transform lesbians into male loving creatures. That is what Messiahs do, they can change peoples sexuality with the know how of the fetish. I can use a fetish to do an exorcism on someone and make them be sexually attracted to anything. If you don't want to be gay, or if you want to be gay I can teach you how to be trained to lust after what ever I want you to lust after.
And as far as the development of the thread, which has taken a departure from the original threadstarter, and somehow it is "not off topic" hmmmmmm, ????
I think there is universal immorality, and the reasons ride deep, as I outlined horrifically before aboveformentioned.
I THINK I WAS not crucified in life because I was hot, or talented, I don't think it has anything to do with me physically, it is a total spiritual reason I was crucified, and people like me who had great ideals.
People who are role models cannot walk in the streets on courts, in businesses, or in classrooms proud as peacocks unknowing of the evil that men do. You take a great man, the best of the best, and you destroy him perfect him, denurture him, and let him know that the darkness of life is not when the sun sets, it is under the magnificence of the sun that evil lurks.
They used to say, what makes a morning person a morning person. It is a horror show the people that have to get up in the morning and do the shit jobs of life. Morning people are all over the place, they ar ein mourning, they are dead creatures alking about under the cover of the sun as wraiths. The night has a beauty of safety of shoulders that no one shoves for might makes right, and the kids are all in bed, and everyone is safe, and evil goes to sleep because good loses one fight in its life, once good know what the fight is about, good smply can never lose again. Their whole life is bent towards preserving themself so that they can stand for the ones whom cannot defend themself.
Yeah, I am on heroin, because I have a hero in.
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