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The death of the Sun Con

Quote : "STOP HAving so much fun without me." FRANK BURNS M*A*S*H.

Crowley's house was owned by Michael Caine the actor who sold it to Jimmy Page, guitarist for Led Zeppelin. The book Stairway to Heaven which was written by the roadie and Manager for the Yardbirds precursor of Zep, and who was along for the greatest rock and roll ride until the drummer died of Vodka, spoke about the days of Page experimenting with the drugs and Crowley's Opium love affair. The manager said that there was no connection between black magic and Jimmy Page, and or Led Zeppelin. Some one started a rumour and then the girls seemed to eat it up, so a legend was created.

Saturnalia is the Pagan precursor to Christmas. Noel stands for No EL, or No God of Saturn, El. But Saturanlia predates Christmas and incorporatesw principles aligning with the Winter Solstice, during the emerging of the sun from the nadir on the horizon, and the return of the sun to the northern climes. Jesus died after 3 days, and then returned. During the days preceding Christmas, the sun does not head south it just stays on the same spot on th ehorizon, as Stonehenge would have identified, or the Tropical Stonehenge in South America, which also was a shrine to mark the deepest part of winter and the return of the sun of God. The sun stays on the horizon for three days, almost dead in space. The death of Jesus at 33, has something to do with the lattiude of the sun the moment before it hits the solstice and dies in space. Constantine chose a Messiah story to convey on a deeper level the truths of life, and Jesus was thrust into the role long after he died. Most of the first writings of Jesus was done 80 years after his death, and it took hundreds of years for scribes to transcribe hsi story, until Constantine, saw a new way to Con the people with religion, and so the root of the word Con.

Pagan and Wicca?

Um I personally believe with so many people half in hell and half in heaven, like their groins in hell and heads in heaven or vice versa, that is the thng that creates the women from out of the ashes of man, and his ribs. Dhamphir females who have a new weak force of the ancient Greeks put into them, have supernatural powers, and are definately charmed. The human brain is a most mysterious thing, and improper evolution, or not perfect magick, creates magic. Or Witches and warlocks.

The K is a feminine letter symbolizing the crown of the females widows peak and the calyxs going straight back from it, it forms the letter K, with the left of the K line as the hair line, so there is a "V" behind the hair line that you don't really see, that relates to original sin. The weak force was lost because with women constanly putting the hair ontop of heads, it is the male brain that survives, and the female brains get lost. In the future there will have to be great women whom have to lose their K hair so that their brains can get passed on. This is why the weak force is weak, is because men are stupid. Too bad female supremacy leads to their own extinction.