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LAST COFFEE in Cavalry

Aparently doing the wrong thing is the only thing that saves you, so thereby facing death is the only way to live. I can attest to that, but there is a limit to how much stupidity the Grim Reaper allows, if you don't want to be here, it can be arranged, even the angel of death has designs on your soul, and it is in your darkest hours, wallking with your head hung low, you can almost see a halo in your soul in the hole in your shadow, and the wind comes over your right shoulder when you take control of your passions, then when passions overwhelm and you stare at her belt too long the wind comes over our left shoulder. Then you realise the peope you told off were the ones whom had a clue to save you, but you sent them away because only the future knows what to do, but when you get to the future you know what to do, because they are not with you, and the guilt for their silence you feel, and everything is capitalized in your head. MOCHA COFFEE w/ whip cream. *sip*