The thing that makes Churches holy ground is that initially there was a cemetery under them. I can see with my eyes closed now, and if I put up my hands in front of closed lids I can see what is under the church. St Mary's church here in Hunter's Point had quite a few bodies stuck under grill gates in coffins. That was such a clear vision. I saw a cemetery in Coney Island, a large one and there was two towers burning, two dark towers. I saw the Verazano Bridge and there was a white light over it, and
back at Saint Mary's last Thursday I woke up with no sanctuary and completely drained, and with no thighs no eyes, and no lower legs, I went where one of my protectors sits in the south west corner of teh church. Obviously there was a very powerful person buried under there, someone not damned, some one restng in peace in heaven. There was a bench to the left that rocked, I put my left foot on it and then I just sat there and absorbed the dead person's energy, it had to be a saint of some kind. There are many saints alive today, you have to be dead to be a saint, but there are good people who just be do and are, and they don't deal with lepers in India for attention, or whatever, some of you may be Saints.
I went to a bar this evening and I told these stories to J.D. I said look I will sense energy in here. Then I looked at the wall over his right shoulder and I saw the brightest light that I had ever seen since last Thursday or Wednesday when I realized I had these powers. There were 3 sisters behind the wall, all growing up. I know one of their names, they are all blonde and they always smile when I walk by, and I would walk through fire to protect them. I was blinded by their energy, it was amazing. You had to be there.
Also a documentary movie maker brought an 11 year old into my apartment, she sucked me dry, I was whole better than I had ever been and then the next day I was nothing but a wraith. Obviously the prepubescent girls have the highest energy. You have to stay away from them if you are trying to get out of hell, they will kill you, suck all the good right out of you. I guess, if I was to analyze it, they are blossoming sexual creatures so they steal mojos in order to be more feminine and gain the libido. I believe my hunch has some veracity.
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