Blog Comments

2 inch mosquitoes

No I just learned on forums to insult people to the degree to make them question themselves in their dens of pleasure and their dens of pain and to get out and do it all over again anew.

I think people are born, but some stop living. I will say I am guilty of this, my bluesy nature is the jaded heart of a life not allowed to be, I can ice the world and rise a decade later when I feel like it, because life has shown me that there was a reason why it was so cold to me, to make me warmer than a nearby star. Lack of love is an illusion. Once you realize hate is the sincerest form of flattery, and the emptiness of life is just the world wishing they could be with you until they made you better through their isolationism of you, then there is a time when everything you say is golden because you actually thought things through having not even a muse to talk to.

If you try to understand what I say you will lose the trip of it. In fact, it is so roundabout that when you get ot the end of it you fail to see how that snow ball flew, but you liked flying with it.