Blog Comments

Rapid Eye Movement

Um, what is there new to say about dreams? We talk of dreams alot on the net. It goes into deja vu facing your fears battling your demons, slaying dragons, conecting hemispheres on brain, predicting the future, trying different solutions ot the same problem, mulling the different cauasality factors in your head, and then the next day you know what to do. Dreams bring peace it is rehearsal for tomorrow, and premos occur when you already dreamed the bit of life you just got up to,

there is no nightmares, they are dreams in progress, face your demons, be a dream exorcist and be free. If you die in a dream put another quarter in. No one dies in their dreams, not even in nightmares, face your fear, for in death in life or in dreams, fear is conquorer at the moment of facing the grim reaper, death takes you if you live in fear

if death comes in a dream and you don't let it take you, then tomorrow you are free. No fear in the sea of night.