21 Jul 07 5:02 am
I think abuse is great. Abuse is a chain of kick the dog syndrome that makes the dog the master in the end.
I am so happy my brother beat me all the time, I am also very happy that my father has continued his strange and evil fung shwai shit on me to drive me nearly insane as the rest of my neighborhood has accomplished in doing.
I am ecstatic that all this abuse has made me as vacuous and vapid as the bleeding cheesed melting moon itself I can no longer look at with out the moon hurting me.
I am pleased that when I walk the streets I am in fear of lookng at other people because I know they think very little of me, and only desire for me to procreate successfully, and I will live in a bottle for the rest of my life, as usual prevented from using my gifts in the public eye, kept down and ordered to masturbate into a bottle for 50 bucks until I go blind from the ordeal or cutting my passion extension off, for it only brings me pain and blindness.
All this abuse from my father and other peoples is central in making me evil like them, and I am amazed how ingenuitive my father is in his manner of abusing me with sleight of hand tricks, since he was physically beaten he had to find a new way to dominate somene he really fucken cares about, so much so more than himself he has to do the reverse of love due to unnatural respect and love.
I too am the same, so I win at sports, I drive fast and cars that try to pass crash like fools n their better cars, I stand in a bar looking helpless, like a idiot savant lunatic, and yet no one wants to throw the first punch.
So, all the abuse I get makes me stronger it makes me find really radical ways of making all of you feel worthless, only because I can take more pain than all of you combined.
I have crossed the wiring in my brain so I now confuse pain with pleasure. I have hijacked my brainstem to give me emotional hallucinations, as a coping device to deal with the varied shit flow that is ceasless.
I will however never confuse your insecurity and worthless feeling that non of you know how to properly abuse people in such a manner they thank you for the abuse eternal.
My computer is hot and you are not. Later Vampeeps.
Vampariah is a desperate mind virus of a teacher who was blacklisted blackballed and railroaded. Anyone coming into contact with him is fucked in the head. Jurisprudence has deemed it so.
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