Blog Comments


25 Jul 07 9:55 pm
Global Positioning with respect to vital energy

David Vaccaro: hey blood
David Vaccaro: what up?
vvinterborn: Hey kneegrow
David Vaccaro: hah
vvinterborn: not to much man, just chatting with your buddy lol
David Vaccaro: I am in Montreal
vvinterborn: Yeah I herd
vvinterborn: Lucky
David Vaccaro: I thought it was going to be summer here
David Vaccaro: but every time I do something right it gets colder
David Vaccaro: so I caught a cold
vvinterborn: Oh
vvinterborn: haha
vvinterborn: thats to bad man
vvinterborn: I hate summer
vvinterborn: it's been around 96 for the past week here
vvinterborn: nobody can even go outside
David Vaccaro: hey what is the subliminal message behind MOntana?
vvinterborn: Montana?
vvinterborn: Umm
David Vaccaro: do you see any significance in it?
vvinterborn: a baren wasteland
vvinterborn: lots of corn I suppose lol
David Vaccaro: oh
vvinterborn: Hahah
David Vaccaro: like when I don't know what to do
David Vaccaro: if I am on a chat site
David Vaccaro: people from Maryland give me the heads up
vvinterborn: Interesting
David Vaccaro: yeah
vvinterborn: only from Maryland?
David Vaccaro: well
David Vaccaro: rules change
David Vaccaro: now it is Montana
David Vaccaro: and I can't figure it out
vvinterborn: Hmm
vvinterborn: Well
David Vaccaro: maybe the trail just ends there because MOntana
actually is the only state to protrude into Canada's border
vvinterborn: Montana is most likely full of hics
vvinterborn: and rednecks
vvinterborn: Ask them about catfish noodling
David Vaccaro: funny
David Vaccaro: oh I am alright
David Vaccaro: I will make it
David Vaccaro: my solar plexus is throbbing for the past hour on and off
vvinterborn: ah
David Vaccaro: it is a good sign
David Vaccaro: the solar plexus pulse
vvinterborn: hmmm
vvinterborn: I don't think im familiar with that part
David Vaccaro: the bottom of the breast plate
vvinterborn: Oh
vvinterborn: I now what your talking about now
David Vaccaro: yeah
David Vaccaro: it is as important as the third eye
vvinterborn: how so?
David Vaccaro: well
David Vaccaro: chakra city
David Vaccaro: you know
vvinterborn: Yeah
David Vaccaro: I made a thread about chakras
vvinterborn: Where at?
David Vaccaro: um
David Vaccaro: gone gothic
vvinterborn: oh
vvinterborn: is it called hte pulse of God?
David Vaccaro: it talks about mastering the emotions related with the passage of the god pulse past certain chakra points
David Vaccaro: yeah
David Vaccaro: it is true
vvinterborn: Yeah
David Vaccaro: but you know what
vvinterborn: it is really interesting
David Vaccaro: ever since I came up to Montreal I have lost the pulse of god
David Vaccaro: I am totally out of the loop of the zombie robots
David Vaccaro: sometimes I feel it
vvinterborn: Well
David Vaccaro: but rarely
vvinterborn: the more north you go
vvinterborn: on the world
vvinterborn: the more your heart and brain is magnitized to the poles
David Vaccaro: they are mostly signals to keep moving on if I have left too much energy in one spot
vvinterborn: I see
David Vaccaro: really
vvinterborn: yeah
David Vaccaro: say that again
vvinterborn: it was discovered by an artist actually
vvinterborn: he was in the north pole area
vvinterborn: he discovered
vvinterborn: that your heart
vvinterborn: and brain
vvinterborn: are magnatized
vvinterborn: by these poles
David Vaccaro: well hemoglobin is made of iron so it is magnetic, the blood, I knew that
vvinterborn: so once this was discovered he continued to get naked and run around for awhile
David Vaccaro: it might be global positioning
David Vaccaro: also Lewis and Clark or the people who settled Canada realised that there was something special that happens to the human anatomy when it crosses the border
David Vaccaro: I know I felt alot of things crossing the border
David Vaccaro: it also helped that I went over ground that I had crossed as a child and as a college student
vvinterborn: You don't feel tha way when your cross into europe as well?
David Vaccaro: so I got back to 8
David Vaccaro: um
David Vaccaro: I don't know
David Vaccaro: I was thinking about going back to the convent in which I was born truly
David Vaccaro: in Rome
vvinterborn: Oh
David Vaccaro: but I don't need baby energy
David Vaccaro: energy
David Vaccaro: I got enough energy
vvinterborn: Rome, I would love to see that place
David Vaccaro: plus I can always create new pools of energy like a dragon
David Vaccaro: in a lair
David Vaccaro: geo
David Vaccaro: george
David Vaccaro: geo global positioning
vvinterborn: hmmm
David Vaccaro: St George slayer of the dragon
David Vaccaro: right?
vvinterborn: Yeah thats right
David Vaccaro: yeah
David Vaccaro: there you have it
David Vaccaro: nifty
vvinterborn: ha
vvinterborn: agreed
David Vaccaro: perfect mythological mind fuck
vvinterborn: How long are you in Montreal?
David Vaccaro: well I get a hunk of money on the first
David Vaccaro: maybe impregnate a girl or two and then head back to York
vvinterborn: haha
vvinterborn: good man
David Vaccaro: or I could head back still not whole
David Vaccaro: and gather even more energy from the other side of the road
David Vaccaro: you know I came up here quite dead
David Vaccaro: very dead in fact
vvinterborn: How come?
David Vaccaro: nothing on my credit card
David Vaccaro: 81 dollars too
David Vaccaro: totally maxed out
David Vaccaro: I have to keep killing myself so that my children don't become zombie puppets
David Vaccaro: the more of my blood I smear on the ground the better off they'll be
David Vaccaro: if I hold my breath in hell for so long that my chest expands outside of the perimeter of hell, my offspring will never know the shit I had to do, all the superstition stuff
David Vaccaro: I still do a little every now and then
David Vaccaro: but only when I feel really bad pain
vvinterborn: ah
David Vaccaro: I know how to counteract the pain
David Vaccaro: but I have to keep switching it up
David Vaccaro: like lets say in January when I felt a pain in my right thumb I would stick the thumb in my mouth
vvinterborn: Mmmk
David Vaccaro: then if I did that too much the pain would stay and so I would have to ultimately like stick my thumb up my ass
David Vaccaro: so
David Vaccaro: but
David Vaccaro: you can't do that
David Vaccaro: because behavior is put into the genetics
David Vaccaro: and we don't want kids sticking thumbs up their asses
David Vaccaro: and then in their mouths
David Vaccaro: joke
David Vaccaro: anyways
David Vaccaro: you got any probles hero?
vvinterborn: lol
David Vaccaro: no problemmos ?
vvinterborn: Na, so far things are stable
vvinterborn: I mean
vvinterborn: I have become
vvinterborn: what I was a few years ago
vvinterborn: I lost my restriction
vvinterborn: this year
vvinterborn: but
vvinterborn: I have restricted myself again
vvinterborn: not to fall for a women
David Vaccaro: life is cyclical
vvinterborn: only to tease
vvinterborn: never allow them to touch
David Vaccaro: well
vvinterborn: and its working out fine
David Vaccaro: twist the game on them
David Vaccaro: instead of us yearning for them they yearn for us
vvinterborn: exactly
vvinterborn: and
David Vaccaro: well
vvinterborn: it makes a huge difference
David Vaccaro: that is advanced
David Vaccaro: well
David Vaccaro: I never chase girls
David Vaccaro: I lookey lookey
David Vaccaro: but
vvinterborn: haha
David Vaccaro: you know what is funny
vvinterborn: hmm?
David Vaccaro: I came up here
David Vaccaro: and all the Montreal women were like giving me signals to stop looking at asses
vvinterborn: lmao
David Vaccaro: you wouldn't believe how bad the ass conspiracy was
David Vaccaro: and I was like
David Vaccaro: looking at breasts for a while
David Vaccaro: and then I said fuck it
David Vaccaro: I want to look at asses
David Vaccaro: I like asses
David Vaccaro: I am going to look at all the asses I want and if it kills me fine
David Vaccaro: dead by ass
vvinterborn: fun death
David Vaccaro: I am ok
David Vaccaro: no ass overdose
vvinterborn: haha
vvinterborn: how are the women there?
David Vaccaro: big hair
David Vaccaro: good hormones
vvinterborn: really stuck up? or just as frisky as americans?
David Vaccaro: they got prostitutes on the street
David Vaccaro: I can go up and touch the whores
David Vaccaro: talk to them
David Vaccaro: feel sorry for them
David Vaccaro: and get an eyeful
David Vaccaro: I dunno
David Vaccaro: humans are humans
David Vaccaro: I went to the mountain on the isle of Montreal
David Vaccaro: where they have congo drums
David Vaccaro: and there was a huge gathering of them
David Vaccaro: maybe a hundred congo drums
David Vaccaro: and 2,000 people
David Vaccaro: and they were glad I was there
David Vaccaro: they made me feel at home
David Vaccaro: unfortunately they tricked me to crush the tip of my big toe
David Vaccaro: but that proved useful in rewiring the nerves from there to the rest of my body
David Vaccaro: they are better than the americans at mind fucking
vvinterborn: Hahah
David Vaccaro: more sophisticated
vvinterborn: yeah
vvinterborn: I herd that
David Vaccaro: yeah today I went outside to play guitar after getting my rocks off with ropes and ropes of jizz
David Vaccaro: and I sat in the sun and played guitar
David Vaccaro: aand I stayed there so long a dude came by in a wheel chair telling me to move on without even saying a word
David Vaccaro: like on cue
vvinterborn: did you get alot out of it?
David Vaccaro: they do stuff like that too
David Vaccaro: well
David Vaccaro: I don't like games
David Vaccaro: I don't even like the game to get out of hell
David Vaccaro: it insults my intelligence
David Vaccaro: that is the thing about me
David Vaccaro: I am not playing this dumb game to get out of hell
vvinterborn: I only enjoy games on women
vvinterborn: they love to play
David Vaccaro: so the whole street has to put on an act for me to realise what I should be doing and where
David Vaccaro: and I still don't care
David Vaccaro: I resist
David Vaccaro: and then when the pain comes I know exactly what to do
David Vaccaro: but as BB KIng said I never make a move too soon
David Vaccaro: so I always have an ace sleeved
vvinterborn: good
vvinterborn: stay a card ahead of everyone
David Vaccaro: I am not going to take the game winning shot until the clock is down to 2
David Vaccaro: yeah
David Vaccaro: plus
David Vaccaro: I don't like following directions anywways
David Vaccaro: from girls yeah
vvinterborn: me either
David Vaccaro: I will eat out of a girls hand all day long