27 Jul 07 6:10 pm
Evolution of sexual reproduction
Um, as most of you know I have been privilaged to otherwordly wisdom, including glimpses of the future.
In another thread I indicated that I was told that the Asians are "the last copy". I thought that their race was actually dead inside, that there was something they did wrong that made them not such a potent species sexually reproductive-wise.
The truth of the matter the Asians have done a lot right. Their small nose will save the hook nosed westerners.
The knowledge that I have about why Hitler went to war was to sacrifice the Aryans was because the Aryans had achieved evolutionary perfection. They were 7 footers with potentially Wagnerian minds, and it was only the escapes of the Nazis nuclear project whom built the atomic bomb for america, we never would have come up with it.
The point is, you can't get taller than 7 feet and still evolve. Hitler sacrificed hius peoples, and he singled out the Jews and holocausted them for all other human beings to see how stupid genocide is, just as the fake terrorists in the Holy Land and Babylon act crazy to make all other not follow their example. For everyone to be serious some one has to play the fool.
The whole Asian evasion is that someday the short Asians will rise and interbreed to save the earth with their short stature, because they are the last version.
Alright I wsan't going to write, I can have one dissenter, but now temptation feeder also is a naysayer.
Dirk Nowitzki probably got the NBA MVP award, he is from Germany. He is 7 feet tall, he is beautiful smooth in his moves, and his hair isn't scratchy in his loins. It ios angel hair all over his body and yet he is a tough guy in the NBA with finesse moves.
My father was a soldier in World War II he crawled past the dead Germans, and they were giants. You can't keep evolving over 7 feet tall. The Vikings were tha same when they came to the new world, they had monster sized men, and they hgad the accompaning dwarves too.
In the Roanoke Virginia settlement they asked fpor skilled laborers to come from Germany and POland to work with Pocahontas and Captain John Smith.
The skilled workers came off the boat and went running past Pocahontas and headed for California, which wasn't there yet. They began to mate with Indians, and the blue eyed breeed of Indians started to occur then in 1620.
mutatations are breaks in the DNA chain,. disease is also breaks in the DNA chain. 1% of DNA mutations are beneficial, and 9 % are carcinogenic, and the other 90% don't do an damn thing, because breaks in the DNA chain are covered up by whole DNA threads.
People usually mate with their better halves, trying to cover up breaks in the DNA chain that are negative. The only problem is though, DNA is a double helix, so the recessive covered up flaws are transmitted to the offspring, but they lie dormant because they are recessive. The traits are carried and they do come to the fore in the formation of a child sometime in the future.
Variability is the thing that makes natural selecvtion and survival of the sapiens occur. In the future, there might be a plague like AIDS which some gay guys have already shown a resisitence too, and they have had multiple sex partners with full blown AIDS. The gene is carried on because we can do designer gene improvement these days having mapped out the entire gene pool.
So in the future a recessive gene may rise to the surface only because the ones who survive because of it. This is evolution.
If you notice mixed race children always have symmetrical faces, wheras the definition of ugliness is asymmetrical faces, one side of the face a different proportion than th other. This exhibits the fact that when two totally different seeds of the same species overlap there is operfection and symmetry in the offsrping. It goes beyond Phylogenic traits, it also covers the double helix on an unnoticed level, and this is the level that makes the most difference.
This is why inbreeding is always so unsuccessful, the thing that makes eggs of a woman viable or the sperm of a male, is the variability or the differences between the two partners engaged in coitus to make child. Therefore, the more different the race of the parents the greater the chance that the new seed of offspring is more hearty.
Now let me see you guys shoot this down...