Rachele Williams: mah i dissagree
vvinterborn: Maynard James Keenan
Rachele Williams: yep
David Vaccaro: fuck that when I get published and they release those 30 documentaries
Rachele Williams: and paul
Rachele Williams: hehe
David Vaccaro: Richard Gere is going to be dethroned
David Vaccaro: I am bringing sexy back
vvinterborn: haha
David Vaccaro: really man
David Vaccaro: if I get out of Hell right
David Vaccaro: I might be really fine
Rachele Williams: and what is sexy exactly?
David Vaccaro: I was in a speedo at the pool
David Vaccaro: and it was so egregious they had to call me gay to go away
David Vaccaro: but I stayed
vvinterborn: haha
David Vaccaro: sexiness exudes a confidence of come to me and I will satisfy you with an all knowing look
Rachele Williams: wait big word... egregious... what does that mean?
David Vaccaro: like vampness
Rachele Williams: ahhh yes
David Vaccaro: egregious means
David Vaccaro: um
Rachele Williams: i can give that look quite well
David Vaccaro: like almost confrontationally insulting
Rachele Williams: ahh
David Vaccaro: ah
David Vaccaro: Cya
David Vaccaro: C'ya
David Vaccaro: ah
Rachele Williams: are you going somewhere?
David Vaccaro: I am famous for my uh huh
David Vaccaro: cave man response
David Vaccaro: no
vvinterborn: haha
David Vaccaro: I ws making fun of you kids
Rachele Williams: mm
David Vaccaro: ah
Rachele Williams: meh
David Vaccaro: ahh
David Vaccaro: heh ehhe
David Vaccaro: forget it
vvinterborn: lmao
David Vaccaro: it is cool
David Vaccaro: you guys are young and in love
Rachele Williams:
David Vaccaro: don't let me get in the way it is cute
vvinterborn: eh
David Vaccaro: you guys make a good couple
vvinterborn: well
vvinterborn: we haven't seen each other in real life yet
Rachele Williams: awwwws
vvinterborn: weh ave yet to see how we are
Rachele Williams: i know
Rachele Williams: i know we'll be fine, but paul is cautious
David Vaccaro: um
vvinterborn: yeah
David Vaccaro: the first thing you do Rachelle
David Vaccaro: when you meet
Rachele Williams: hmm?
David Vaccaro: you find like a bay window
David Vaccaro: or a cubhole
Rachele Williams: ok, and do what?
David Vaccaro: like a foyeur
David Vaccaro: foyer
Rachele Williams: yeah i gotcha
Rachele Williams: and do what?
David Vaccaro: and you stick his hand in your pocket
David Vaccaro: and give him a pocket hand job
David Vaccaro: really quick
David Vaccaro: ly
vvinterborn: lmao
Rachele Williams: haha
David Vaccaro: his pocket
vvinterborn: well
vvinterborn: im not a quick person dave
Rachele Williams: no he's not
Rachele Williams: and i know what i'm going to do
David Vaccaro: on phone with mom
Rachele Williams: and it involves shoving my hand down his pants... but only to tease
Rachele Williams: okies
vvinterborn: ha
Rachele Williams: don't worry, you'll like it
Rachele Williams: i'll make it all sexy like
vvinterborn: yeah hehe
David Vaccaro: yeah stick the hand in pocket
David Vaccaro: and fish around
Rachele Williams: haha
Rachele Williams: that won't be hard...
David Vaccaro: he'll get hard
vvinterborn: well
vvinterborn: i'd get hard either way i suppose
David Vaccaro: i will make fishermen out of women
Rachele Williams: i'm thinking a really good kiss will do the trick
David Vaccaro: nah
vvinterborn: haha
David Vaccaro: kiss is after the deal
David Vaccaro: and
Rachele Williams: what deal?
David Vaccaro: during
Rachele Williams: well i know what to do, don't worry
David Vaccaro: the hand job
vvinterborn: lol
vvinterborn: brb really quick
David Vaccaro: alright
Rachele Williams: ok
David Vaccaro: pocket jobs don't work on girls so stop trying jello shot girl
Rachele Williams: what?
Rachele Williams: i know they don't, and i
David Vaccaro: hee hee
Rachele Williams: i'm not trying anything
Rachele Williams: and i'm not a jello shot girl
David Vaccaro: yes you are
Rachele Williams: it's not my fault you had a dream i was
Rachele Williams: lmao
Rachele Williams: nope, am not
David Vaccaro: in a black vinyl sirt
vvinterborn: k back
Rachele Williams: i need one of those
David Vaccaro: ostensibly used to snare unsuspecting males
Rachele Williams: yeah yeah i know
vvinterborn: ha
vvinterborn: so
vvinterborn: hows it going all?
Rachele Williams: i still didn't understand what happened after that
Rachele Williams: it's going well
vvinterborn: but yeah
vvinterborn: that idea did sound interesting
David Vaccaro: alright pink vinyl skirt
Rachele Williams: no no pink
David Vaccaro: yes
Rachele Williams: i don't like pink
David Vaccaro: PINK
Rachele Williams: NO
Rachele Williams: BLACK
Rachele Williams: DAMNIT
Rachele Williams: NO
Rachele Williams: paul... help
Rachele Williams: lol
vvinterborn: lmao
David Vaccaro: give her a pink ball gag
vvinterborn: i dunno what to do
vvinterborn: haha
Rachele Williams: OH HELL NO
David Vaccaro: and pink fluffy cuffs
Rachele Williams: i hate gag balls
Rachele Williams: alright fluffy cuffs are fine
David Vaccaro: pink fluffy cuffs
vvinterborn: haha
Rachele Williams: fine
Rachele Williams: but no pink skirt
vvinterborn: pink can be sexy with black
David Vaccaro: see we broke her
vvinterborn: lmao
David Vaccaro: and I did all of that while talking to my mother
David Vaccaro: so easy to break
vvinterborn: HAHA
David Vaccaro: I am a natural dominant
Rachele Williams: well aren't you talented
Rachele Williams: ugh
David Vaccaro: I also gave my mother a hard time
vvinterborn: i give rachele a hard time always
Rachele Williams: yeah i know
Rachele Williams: expecially about my sex drive
David Vaccaro: yeah but her nubbin is too samll to get hard
David Vaccaro: too small
David Vaccaro: penis envy
David Vaccaro: she can't get off
Rachele Williams: what?
David Vaccaro: small
vvinterborn: nubbbin?
David Vaccaro: your clit is too small
vvinterborn: oh
David Vaccaro: nubbin
David Vaccaro: clit
Rachele Williams: you know, i'm so not going to go there
David Vaccaro: same thing
vvinterborn: lmao
David Vaccaro: alright
David Vaccaro: there is a bar in Astoria
Rachele Williams: you don't even know what it looks like
David Vaccaro: and they have people lined up outside all the time
David Vaccaro: it is called
David Vaccaro: I am an incubus I have visted your bed and marked it
Rachele Williams: what?
vvinterborn: lol
David Vaccaro: anyway the name of the bar is NUBAr
David Vaccaro: and all these young kids are outside
David Vaccaro: and I go by in my dress shirrts and slacks looking like a king
David Vaccaro: and I say Nubbin
David Vaccaro: I want to go to the Nubbin bar
vvinterborn: haha
David Vaccaro: and my friends are like no Dave it is called NuBAR
David Vaccaro: and I am like resisting
David Vaccaro: NUBBIN
David Vaccaro: I want to go to the NUBBIN BAR
Rachele Williams: i'm gonna go smoke
vvinterborn: lmao
vvinterborn: nubbvin
vvinterborn: nubbin
vvinterborn: haha
David Vaccaro: strange but true
David Vaccaro: cool word
vvinterborn: kk ttyl rachele when you get back
vvinterborn: yeah
vvinterborn: it is a cool word
vvinterborn: very fun to say
Rachele Williams: grrr
David Vaccaro: yeah it rolls off the tounge
Rachele Williams: brb
David Vaccaro: tongue
vvinterborn: yeah haha
David Vaccaro: she missed that one
David Vaccaro: at least I broke her to go and smoke
vvinterborn: yeah haha
vvinterborn: she was trying to quite a few days ago
vvinterborn: but she started up again
David Vaccaro: and now she is implanted with the PINK mind virus because she accepted the PINK cuffs
David Vaccaro: she is screwed
David Vaccaro: sooo scrwed
Rachele Williams: i am not
David Vaccaro: oh shit
vvinterborn: lmao
David Vaccaro: damn
Rachele Williams: fucker
vvinterborn: LOL
David Vaccaro: I am gonna go to private talk with Paul
David Vaccaro: Rachelle is an imposter
Rachele Williams: uh huh you do that
vvinterborn: lmao
David Vaccaro: just joking
Rachele Williams: i know lol
David Vaccaro: I anjoy fucking her brain up
Rachele Williams: and i don't care i'm playin with you
David Vaccaro: anjoy
Rachele Williams: enjoy?
David Vaccaro: enjoy
Rachele Williams: lol
vvinterborn: there you go
Rachele Williams: hahah
David Vaccaro: mhy mothers name is Anja
David Vaccaro: alright
vvinterborn: hey Dave
Rachele Williams: alright i'll be back in a few mins
vvinterborn: you ever seen
David Vaccaro: let me calm down for a second
vvinterborn: A clockwork orange?
vvinterborn: ok lol
David Vaccaro: yeah
David Vaccaro: I saw it in the theastre
David Vaccaro: theatre
vvinterborn: did you enjoy it?
David Vaccaro: um
David Vaccaro: I was too young
David Vaccaro: Malcom
David Vaccaro: somebody
David Vaccaro: it is amazing how hot guys are when they are young actors
David Vaccaro: then they lose their hair
vvinterborn: and they get a gut
David Vaccaro: no Clkockwork orange is horriying
David Vaccaro: horrifying
vvinterborn: yeah it is
vvinterborn: but at the same time
vvinterborn: it really does make you think quite a bit
David Vaccaro: no Paul that movie is sick
vvinterborn: if you look hard enough
David Vaccaro: no
vvinterborn: eh
David Vaccaro: sick
vvinterborn: why?
David Vaccaro: jockstraps?
vvinterborn: lol
David Vaccaro: that is not a good visual
David Vaccaro: top hats and jock straps
vvinterborn: eh
vvinterborn: i suppose you have a point
vvinterborn: i mostly like the parts
vvinterborn: when the main character
vvinterborn: is listening to beethoeven
vvinterborn: and the thoughts that appear in his head
vvinterborn: of madness
vvinterborn: and lust
David Vaccaro: she is smoking a Virginia slimms 120mm
David Vaccaro: hmmm
vvinterborn: lol
David Vaccaro: well I never analyzed the movie
vvinterborn: ah
vvinterborn: i normally analyze movies like that
David Vaccaro: I cxan't process something that is only meant to be disturbing
vvinterborn: you ever listen to some classical stuff?
vvinterborn: well
David Vaccaro: I can identify composers if you play a piece
vvinterborn: people are very distrubed individuals
David Vaccaro: even if I never heard it before
David Vaccaro: I hear their signatures
vvinterborn: and the power to be that distrubed
David Vaccaro: they give them selves away
vvinterborn: is the power of god
David Vaccaro: just like if you read VAmpariah
David Vaccaro: you know it is him every time
vvinterborn: yeahw
vvinterborn: i know what you mean
David Vaccaro: signature
David Vaccaro: hallmark
David Vaccaro: identity
David Vaccaro: now if you can escape that
David Vaccaro: which I do do
David Vaccaro: no one has seen my professional writing
vvinterborn: i have seen your other writings
vvinterborn: on gg
David Vaccaro: it is leagues and bounds better than my forum shit
vvinterborn: I read your poetry
David Vaccaro: well
vvinterborn: i enjoy it
David Vaccaro: poetry is also another voice altogether
David Vaccaro: I sculpt paragraphs
vvinterborn: yeah
David Vaccaro: I wish I could show you the paragraph I amde today
David Vaccaro: amazing
vvinterborn: why can't you?
David Vaccaro: in your face amazing with such cockiness it is almost unpalatable and then
David Vaccaro: ultimately they have to keep reading because they know the quality never diminishes
vvinterborn: ah
vvinterborn: well
David Vaccaro: I got it in spades
vvinterborn: spades?
David Vaccaro: fucken they are going to put a plaque at the pool I was at today
David Vaccaro: just like they used to ignore Beethoven
David Vaccaro: well
David Vaccaro: TRUMP spades
vvinterborn: oh
David Vaccaro: my time has come
David Vaccaro: I have arrived
David Vaccaro: spade aces
David Vaccaro: kings
David Vaccaro: spades queens
David Vaccaro: jacks
vvinterborn: time to rape this world huh
David Vaccaro: deuces
David Vaccaro: well
David Vaccaro: it is a mind virus
David Vaccaro: an injection
David Vaccaro: I do not absorb
David Vaccaro: but only as a lure
vvinterborn: yeah
David Vaccaro: I have done my part now send me one woman my way
David Vaccaro: one woman
David Vaccaro: my toy
David Vaccaro: that is all I ask
vvinterborn: ha
vvinterborn: well
vvinterborn: if its a toy your seeking
David Vaccaro: and a Mistress who really understands me
vvinterborn: you could always find a hooker
David Vaccaro: the MAster has to be dominated
vvinterborn: call her sally
vvinterborn: ha
vvinterborn: you want to break into a girl don't you?
David Vaccaro: sally what?
vvinterborn: you want a girl
vvinterborn: whom wil tame the beast
David Vaccaro: well
David Vaccaro: whatever man
vvinterborn: who will makes you shatter at any moment
David Vaccaro: I don't know
David Vaccaro: she knows
David Vaccaro: I need a woman who knows what I will want tomorrow
vvinterborn: well
David Vaccaro: she will know
vvinterborn: your not very pradictable
vvinterborn: which is agood thing of course
David Vaccaro: yes I am
vvinterborn: hmm
David Vaccaro: you guys know my every move
vvinterborn: it depends i suppose
vvinterborn: well
vvinterborn: maybe
vvinterborn: but
David Vaccaro: it is just when I get out of hell that my life will be limitless
vvinterborn: i don't think a women would understand it
David Vaccaro: I think people can read my mind
David Vaccaro: I really do
David Vaccaro: I think they can
vvinterborn: you know what I found when I was feeding on the misery of others?
David Vaccaro: righ tnow
David Vaccaro: my brain overrides theirs
vvinterborn: well
vvinterborn: yeah
Rachele Williams: ok i'm back
vvinterborn: you have that kind of power
vvinterborn: wb
David Vaccaro: hey
Rachele Williams: thanks
Rachele Williams: hey
vvinterborn: anyways
vvinterborn: i found something
David Vaccaro: but I have suuch really bad thoughts
vvinterborn: while feeding on the misery of others
David Vaccaro: I can't admit to what I think
David Vaccaro: like today
vvinterborn: I woudl take in their pain
David Vaccaro: in the diner
vvinterborn: and i would eat in
David Vaccaro: fro breakfast
vvinterborn: it
David Vaccaro: what are you talking about Paul?
vvinterborn: you said yourself
vvinterborn: i feed on others at times
vvinterborn: and id o
vvinterborn: i disect and consume someone
vvinterborn: whne they are in misery
David Vaccaro: dissect
vvinterborn: i found that it brings me closer to my own
vvinterborn: their pain
vvinterborn: becomes my pain
vvinterborn: their hell
vvinterborn: becomes mine
vvinterborn: and after I consume it
vvinterborn: and dissect it
vvinterborn: i escape it
vvinterborn: so there is one more hell I won't have to worry about
David Vaccaro: well we better learn from others
vvinterborn: yes
David Vaccaro: that is why I write and the only reasdon
vvinterborn: so others can learn from you
David Vaccaro: but they brought me a 11 year old Tamara today
David Vaccaro: she was in the diner
David Vaccaro: sitting there
David Vaccaro: and they had her dressed up with a clear plastic bra strap
David Vaccaro: for me
David Vaccaro: just to fuck with me
David Vaccaro: a spitting image
vvinterborn: hmm
David Vaccaro: and I went up to her and pretended I wasn't being fucked in the head
David Vaccaro: and I asked her how old she was
David Vaccaro: and she spoke only french
David Vaccaro: which blew my mind
David Vaccaro: and I realised that the baby tamara wants
David Vaccaro: she would look like this
David Vaccaro: look at the moon
vvinterborn: hmm
vvinterborn: can you speak french?
Rachele Williams: *feels so out of the loop* lol
vvinterborn: haha
vvinterborn: yeah
vvinterborn: im so tired today
vvinterborn: im not feeling welll
Rachele Williams: aww
David Vaccaro: I went to look at the Moon
Rachele Williams: what's worng pooki?
vvinterborn: i think i have a fever, my mom had one and i was taking care of her nad now im feeling awful
vvinterborn: anyways
David Vaccaro: it was fucken sexy the little Tamara whom my baby with her spoke french
vvinterborn: go on
David Vaccaro: and
David Vaccaro: alright
David Vaccaro: I am goiing to gone gothic
David Vaccaro: bye
vvinterborn: alrite
vvinterborn: ttyl Dave
Rachele Williams: later
David Vaccaro: I will post this
vvinterborn: ok
David Vaccaro: Rachelle is that alright
Rachele Williams: uh...
David Vaccaro: sing the proxy
David Vaccaro: sign
Rachele Williams: i guess so
David Vaccaro: ok
David Vaccaro: you admitted to not liking peeing in your bed and resisting pink
David Vaccaro: which is just that yuou are trying to fight you r bizexuality
vvinterborn: haha
David Vaccaro: that is all the pink is about
David Vaccaro: accept it
David Vaccaro: everyone l;ikes femmes
David Vaccaro: bye
vvinterborn: hah
vvinterborn: bye Dave
Rachele Williams: wow..
Rachele Williams: hmm
vvinterborn: ?
Rachele Williams: damnit, i hate it when people make me think
Rachele Williams: lol
vvinterborn: lmao
vvinterborn: yes
David Vaccaro: yeah you are a closet bisexual meister
Rachele Williams: well i'm not a closet one
David Vaccaro: ok
Rachele Williams: i have been with girls
David Vaccaro: see
David Vaccaro: in a closet
Rachele Williams: but i just don't like this generation of females
David Vaccaro: bgye, you were talking about Paul's mom.
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