Blog Comments

religion of the HOLY VAMPIRE

04 Aug 07 1:21 pm
underground religions

ok let it out, it is okay, cry a little, yeah that's it.....

religion is for you to provoke yourself with, that is what it is there for, for you to find a better way. For those who cannot find their own way, then they need the crutch.

But you know you are right, the system is evil, and religion runs things. I am not talking about the underlying unsaid religion of the underground holy ghost pentacotaslism that runs this planet. I mean everyone knows the way life is, and no one admits it but Vampariah. Yeah Vampariah is crazy because he admits it. I admit the underground holy ghost religion because I was not brought up on it like you were, and life has become a major disappointment if females are going to be attracted to hot males with brains if and only if the plots of life turns the male baby into a vampire and tehn he rises from hell with godly power saving not only "her" family "the mother's family" but saving the earth also.

Mister White is right, these religions are evil if they take angels and give them four wings like we are dragon flies. People seem to get a kick on the Vampariah Messiah mind virus when it infests their children, and they gain great powers and take over the media and then the earth. It is wrong. When I have kids I am not going to turn them into vampires, and I am not going to let them get all caught up in the macho stupid game that because life is long and boring "I (the child) am going to go to hell and defeat the devil and satan and lucifer"

It is stupid, it seems righteous, but going to hell to defeat the devil is a macho chit stupid idea, and it is better to rmeain alive with the innocence of a child and tap into the godhead and be gods if we want to be, because that is what angels are, and we don't need diabolicl demon power to make us any better, even though evil harmonics does just that to the holy.

a hot pink tank top and some cut off capri short things that are blue and a purple bra and rainbow panties

*****get a gold star from your mistress****