vvinterborn: DAVE
blurrighter: hey
blurrighter: you know you and Rachelle are both up at the same times?
vvinterborn: I have been up all night
blurrighter: she is puling all nighters also
vvinterborn: I just had a reavealing meditation Dave
blurrighter: yeah
vvinterborn: yes
vvinterborn: about shadows
blurrighter: oh
vvinterborn: I was listening to my shadow
vvinterborn: I was hearing my outside turning in
blurrighter: that is the devil Paul
blurrighter: the devil is in the shadows
blurrighter: but it is more dark
blurrighter: not justa shadow
vvinterborn: yes
vvinterborn: and I got lost in a fog
vvinterborn: my shadow flew me around
blurrighter: oh, that is heaven
vvinterborn: it had no gravity
blurrighter: the fog is heaven
vvinterborn: it led me
vvinterborn: but there were no emotinos
vvinterborn: no colors
vvinterborn: just gray
vvinterborn: so I sat
blurrighter: yes
vvinterborn: and decided
vvinterborn: to surrender to gravity
blurrighter: human
vvinterborn: surrender to gravity and the unkown
blurrighter: out of body experience
blurrighter: you were between worlds
vvinterborn: and a giant hand picked me up
blurrighter: did you bink ?
vvinterborn: and he brought me to the sun
blurrighter: yes
vvinterborn: and whiel i was on the sun he healed me
blurrighter: blink
vvinterborn: he filled me with its light
vvinterborn: and he set me back
vvinterborn: and when I Awoke
vvinterborn: I had eyes
vvinterborn: and a nose
blurrighter: were you lying down?
vvinterborn: and ears
vvinterborn: and I could use them all again
vvinterborn: yes
blurrighter: oh
blurrighter: yes
blurrighter: that is how it happens
blurrighter: ot f body experience
blurrighter: at 19 is pretty god to get both the devils and gods attention
blurrighter: pretty good
blurrighter: so what have you learned what is the meaning in life
vvinterborn: my meaning
vvinterborn: is different
vvinterborn: well
vvinterborn: it is to love and learn
blurrighter: universal meaning
vvinterborn: always to love and leran
blurrighter: well
blurrighter: your learning has attracted attention
vvinterborn: yes
blurrighter: that's cool
vvinterborn: outside forces pay attention
blurrighter: but did you blink?
blurrighter: eyes closed or open
vvinterborn: they were closed
blurrighter: ok
blurrighter: I see much with my eyes closed
vvinterborn: same
vvinterborn: worlds and wolrds
vvinterborn: colors
blurrighter: I have to tell a girl that I am talking to someone who has achieved enlightenment
blurrighter: brb
vvinterborn: i had an interesting conversation with a girl the other day, an older lady. a Mother, a milf definetly
vvinterborn: she foudn god in a raindbow
vvinterborn: kk
blurrighter: you can do it with your eyes open too
blurrighter: dark room
vvinterborn: yes
vvinterborn: maybe candles
vvinterborn: insence
vvinterborn: traped in life I found that death was alive
blurrighter: um
blurrighter: death is death
blurrighter: life is life
blurrighter: spirit world is soomething else
vvinterborn: death had a life
vvinterborn: it had a will
vvinterborn: and words
vvinterborn: but death was not scarey
blurrighter: with candles you should contact dead people, concentrate on the flicker of the flame
vvinterborn: I had spoken with it once during a meditation
vvinterborn: i've never been able to contact teh dead
vvinterborn: Iwould like to
blurrighter: well the dead will contact you now
vvinterborn: they seem to have alot to say
blurrighter: you opened a door
blurrighter: um
blurrighter: I speak to the dead walking around in the streets
blurrighter: it is mind talking
blurrighter: quiet
blurrighter: I am gonna go smoke
blurrighter: do you want to talk on the phone?
vvinterborn: sure
blurrighter: ok
blurrighter: bye
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