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Yes La Meurte it is a miracle after the earthquake post I did that I could be taken seriously.

Today, um I left my door for the first time and in New York City, a freaken hummingbird timed its flight to come right at me then hoover, and then back away almost laughing. I had never seen a hummingbird before. IT was my best Beastmaster moment.

One time in Montreal I arrived to be with a friend whom had been kicked out of the USA, he is a little like me but times ten, well that is why he got kicked out. Um, so the moment I got in he gave me a joint and a beer, and I went to the fridge where he had drawn a very intricate drawing or a tree with two nuclear blasts to either side of it. Now I hadn't smoked weed in a while because I was going through the rebirthing still, and those elements could give me aneurisms, so anyways, I went out on the balcony and peered over Montreal from a good vantage, and then I saw what my friend had drawn in both eyes. I freaked out and had to huddle in a spot where I had last good energy. I got pissed off at him. Exploding brain disease is nothing to shake a stick at.

When my bus had crossed the physical Canadian border it took about twenty minutes to go ten feet, and there was nothing in front of us, it was like the bus driver knew I was on the bus and my body had strange tingle-ings as if I was phasing somehow with the latitudes. I think the first cum I had um there it came out in ropes, the way spiders eggs split into little spiders just at that moment, or when a fly gives birth, I don't know if you have seen either, a big puddle of cum. Apparently there is some reason the Canadian border is drawn where it is.

Then, after I screwed up again, another rule I learned in transfering from hell into an alien heaven such as this, um I went for a walk, and a rule I internalized was you couldn't cross a train tracks because of the hundreds of years of people energy being dragged across it, and I went across these tracks by a canal and I got across, and the wind changed and I got this feeling that I screwed up and lost my own energy signature, so I was like I gotta retrace my steps. These birds descended and walked me back home, little brown birds I call generals, they knew which way I winded through trees, and past posts.

I never wrote about this, but those were some of the phenomena I experienced in Canada, the nuclear blasts imagery on my eyes in black, the travel across the border as if there was an invisible wall there, the bucket of cum in ropes in a new land, and the train tracks retrieval by the birds.

That is what the hummingbird miracle reminded me of today. A hummingbird in New York City, I wonder where they are indiginous to?
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