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Virgin Marys

Virgin Marys
In the beginning, before Jesus, there were some 15 or so Messiahs who had the same story, about being immaculately conceived by God, crucified and resurrected. We wonder why these stories continued to be told, but the theme, for the sake of this thread, was metaphorical.

When a man does not have sex for two weeks, science has determined that; all the female sperm by that point have eaten the Y or male sperm. One would think it inconceivable to make a boy at that point, but the fact remains, that thru the strains of time, according to the horoscope, an egg will drop from the woman's ovaries and it will have a Y chromosome in it, and a boy will be born with the X chromosome coming from the male.

I believe they tell the story of the Messiahs being born from God instead of the true father because, it is confusing to fathers everywhere when they get a son with no resemblance to themselves, and it casts doubt upon the woman's fidelity. Even Jesus' father thought she fooled around, and she was almost stoned, but he accepted her story and they did flee together.

Of course in the narrative, being born from God really meant, I think, that the boy was sired from the female's ancient male patriarch, whom in this case might as well have been a God.

This is why I think they tell this story.

No, you get a Y from the female and the X from the male, so it is only XY, that is all the baby will carry to make him a male. I am not my father;s son, my father has black curly hair with black eyes, and I was a child with platinum blonde hair with golden eyes, the ancestor of the maker of my mother's female line; that is why I wrote this topic because I know about the possibilities of a sterile male making boys, it has something also to do with men being six feet tall and women that are tall of stature, they can save bald men. I have seen it, and television confronts it, calling M*A*S*H*S Major Winchester " one of a kind * If you are male and you lose your hair, just try to make a boy, just fucken try. From time to time on here I teach you all how to keep your hair, but not right now. Not everyone deserves a son; you have to earn it.

If the mother is tall, then you can save a bald man, to have a son with hair. The baby boy gets hair from the mother, but the hair falls out the same time as when father lost his hair. It is like the peculiar event of frostbite revisiting you the same time of year as when you first caught the frost bite. The soldiers in the Bulge in World War II caught frostbite, and the veterans every year lose feeling in their toes on the same date 20-30-50 years down the line. There is some internal chronometer that keeps track of when your hair will fall out.

Is the mother tall? (She answered yes)

13 Nov 10 6:36 pm
Well, you are probably right, but as you yourself said it could be a mutation that due to natural selection, has been ingrained into the human strain.

I don't know how else to explain but, my mother has square feet, is a dirty blonde, good skin tone, hair on her legs, and a nose just like mine with the cheekbones to go with it. All of these qualities my father doesn't have, so I am a male that came from her side of the Y chromosome. I don't think I read this in the science times, so it is just me talking from the hip, but how else could you explain it?

17 Nov 10 3:14 pm
Um, when I achieved enlightenment, one of the enlightenments was where I came from. The year of the goat happens in the Chinese zodiac every 12 years I guess. My birth year was 1967 was the year of the burning goat, there is also a metal goat; and I have a goatee - my father like my brother have the full beard pattern, even with whiskers going down to their adam's apple. I have figured out that a woman carries something of her patriarch somewhere in her body, it may not be in the ovaries, but there are other ways of distributing genetic matter, there is a whole dna chain.

When in states of enlightenment, states of receiving information is heightened, and one of the things I noticed was of photographs on an apocalyptic movie poster and a photograph of my mother on a book cover. It had something to do with the feet, which is where, I think they theorize stem cells come from, that might be why they call them stem cells.

This is all new technological science, and we are working with hunches, and people in the know like me, who realize the mum was true, but the boy was not fatherly, and it is just a freak of nature. Artists, or photographers portray a deeper understanding than the conventional, yet it might be cutting edge.

We are at an apocalypse, the Y chromosome is dying out, yet it has been dying and male fertility has waned for a long time, especially with all the bad brains out there, the good news is this topic addresses the fact, that in every mother, there is a goat child for a degenerate father, and personally because of this science, that I have come to understand through time, as with the telling of the story of the immaculate conception, it doesn't matter how degraded a father is, you can make a god son, since this is what the Bible addresses and the 15 or 16 Messiahs that came from Jesus before him. This is good news.