ekidna666's Diary

Marry me


The first person to message you saying "I do." will be your

Gonegothic Husband/Wife.

Now, this is just for fun.

You'd be surprised who wants to be yours.=)

Repost this or your marrige will be plagued with bad luck.

Repost it with the title of "marry me"


Title: do this for me

fill this in for me

Name: Chris but call me RANIX
Age: 19
Hair: auburn brown
Eyes: hazel
Piercings/tattoos: none but prefer both tatoos more thn piercings tho
Drink/smoke: both

Personality: ravenouse peacefull and lusty by nature
Eyes: angelicly doomed in time
Face: cute cherub like
Hair: shit rofl 60-80s boff white mans afro look
Clothes: medievil or doomed hardware
Humor: lusty funny clownlike and whitty
Manners: lol
Friends: yea even ppl i dont know know me rofl
Decisions: what to do

W0ULD Y0U...
Go out with me: id go out wiv alot of hawt chicks
Give me your number: sure y not
Kiss me: is tht all lol
Let me kiss you: yea
Watch a movie with me: yea preflebly horror2get u cuddling up in thrite2words me
Drive me somewhere private: well i am a private man
Take a shower with me: if u like ur showers hawt n saucy thn yea
Be my bf/gf: yea if ur not bitchy
Take me home to meet your family: no i dont like my family tht much long story
Let me sleep in your bed if I didn't have one: even if u did thn yea
Tell me the truth no matter what: yea
Lie to make me feel better: depends
Hold my hand: yea
Keep in touch: yea
Try and solve my problems: i wudnt try id do rofl
Love me: depends in wut way u mean love n who u r
Ditch me: no inless u ditch me or/and bitchy
Use me: in the sence tht we all use each ova yea but not use as in just4lust thn fuck u off im not like tht

D0 Y0U...
Think I'm cute: yea
Want to kiss me: yea

AM I...
Smart: yea
Hot: yea
Funny: yea
Cool: yea
Interesting to talk to: yea

Thought about me: yea
Thought there might be an "US": sorta
Found yourself wanting to kiss me: yea
Wished I were there: i wish tht alot
Wanted to ask me out: i rarely ask ppl out they usually ask me out

I said I liked you: id say i liked u back n be dead friendly2have a chance at being a fuck buddy or ur bf
I kissed you: blush n either kiss u bk or be caught by suprise by the kiss n wonder wow wuts tht for
I touched your ass: grin
I was hospitalized: worrie n visit u alot
I got in a fight and you were there: either split it up help or be their4u after it
I got dumped: comfort u cheere u up n d8 u if u wanna
I pissed you off: lol go morbid sulk n not listen or tlk2u

Re-post this so I can fill it out for you?


ENERGY what does it mean where did it come from to paigans ENERGY is nature and nature is life as we breath in air and breath it back out flowing being one with nature and saitanists power is absolutes not caring or wondering how things work as for they only care about them selves pretty one sided since saitan cudnt care about them ashe lets them gamble their souls away but for me ENERGY is spiritual rewarding forever their fate faith destany pride honore dignaty respect controle to a certain degree where it becomes pedagree because i wouldnt waste my time with god or saitan since god turns his back and doesnt exist as a being but more along the spiritual sence and saitan is a fear fiend your own entrapings of ur mind.

so im a mix of saitanic and paigan in the fact that im harsh to harsh people and what is my god yin and yang or in symbolic terms eg my nickname RANIX a RAVEN and PHOENIX fused merged as one my religion flows through me like a waterfall to a lake, I breath in and out my religion as I would air.