Poem Comments


Once you're in, you're in for life.
If you want to back out, you better do it now.
If not now but later, make sure not too much later.
For that could end worse.
If you want to stay, you stay for good.
You make that one decision, and you can not go
back on it, for he will not let you.
If you want to be in, stay in, then be in.
Don't leave, try not to fight, talk and listen.
Be a friend, and a lover.
For once you're in, you can not get out.
You're in for life, it's your choice.
You love him now.
Will you love him later?
Take your time.
Think, live, experience.
Live life to the fullest,
before making that finale decision.
After all, if he truly loves you you he will wait.

Are you In?
onxy88 Your right it was random. So is life. [X]