This poem is called High On Pretty Expectatios is just another word for a lovers' quarrel
A peace with in a piece,
A call of hate and love all within,
Such a tragedy, only to be called a sin,
A lithe of remorse that is simply gone with the wind,
But everlasting,
Never lasting the grim that falls with in.
Fierce lies that begin to bind,
Pierce without the focuse mind's eye.
Levity to cure the blind,
Retroactivity from such lovely swine,
How many definitions?
Or is it justa fixed postion?
The Phantasmagorical...
...but, plausible create such fate that is nothing more but a mere soul mate.
A two faced swine who could never make a dime unless its wine was served on time,
Thus the reason why your season is beyond pleasing of any kind,
I'm the undead doll that hopes beyond the Pope to be described with melodramatic vibes.
So sickly,
Are you with me?
To find the chime that makes the rhyme to show how you
Tick tocked
Your hickory dock
All over my childhood dreams,
What a mystery.
You did a fine thing explaining hope to me.
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