Poem Comments

Betrayed by love

I thought love could endure anything
I thought love was happiness
All i ever see is the darkness
How do i believe the lies being told
How do i continue to have ahold
I wish i could empty my heart
Empty my feelings
I wish i could just forgive and forget
But now all i feel is dread
Haunted by the existence of the past
Haunted by the neverending facts
I wish i could have a place
In the heart of my love
But of course im not the one loved
I wish i was the only one
I wish i could have a specific place
I wish i could just end it all
So i didn't have to feel anything
No sadness,no anger,no loneliness and no hate
I want to be set free away from this place
Out of this life
Tortured by this agony and depression
I wish all would just go away
I wish i didn't want to stay