Poem Comments


One minute i am in a world of bliss
Next minute somethings amiss
Im so lost and confused
Happy and ecstatic at the same time
Is he really happy?
Am i really his love?
Am i going to be tossed aside again?
These are the questions im having
Hoping its just all im my head
But at times it feels like im losing my grip
Just trying not to slip
Loving every loving minute of this
But hoping its not just a short trip
Needing comfort and reassurance
Its there but then its not
Not knowing what the future holds
Kind of scares me
Hoping im not lost and abandoned in the end
Just hoping this doesn't end
Butterflies in my stomach
Smile on my face
Just wanting everything to be ok
Just feel as if I'm losing in the end
Hoping and hoping he's really happy
Im trying so hard to be positive
But the look on his face gives me uncertainty
He says he's happy over and over
But his eyes say something else
Hoping im not his hell
Hoping he sees the same future i see
I just want to be happy
And i just want him happy