Pic of Tara

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"Get lost, Posers!" -Tara

Gender: Female
Age: 26
Star Sign: Pisces
Sexuality: Asexual
Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

Signup Date: 15 Jun 24
Account Type: Free

Profile Hits: 23
Forum Posts: 21 (view)

Latest Blog: No Entries
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Latest Poem: No Poems

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Last Online: 10 hours ago

Buddies: 1 [view]
Followers: 1 [view]

Profile Last Updated: 15 Jun 24 10:18 pm
about me
Hi! I am a 26-year-old elder Gen Z goth in the Denver/front range area. I have always been big into the goth scene, as small as it is here, and enjoy talking with fellow goths about movies, music, etc. My username is a reference to a local comic.

Growing plants, wicca, divination, tarot, piercings/tattoos

Guys who flirt with me, my parents, poserz

favourite music
Christian Death, Joy Division (OMG especially Joy Division), Echo And The Bunnymen, Blur


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