Gun Control
/ 1174 posts
14 Jul 19 10:50 pm
I am a registered democrat and the bicameral legislative congress kinda shoots our self in the foot. The Independent party is our only hope and yet once you decide you are a democrat you can't vote any other way so, until that rule gets thrown out we can't have the independent party saving us from our own divisiveness. We need people that believe that neither party is right, and the voting system is false even though Trump had House of Representatives and the Senate with a Republican majority in the first go around. Now he lost the house and can't get anything passed. It was the first time that a President had control of congress since the 1950's, it was either Eisenhower or Truman that had a full house, but if you allow guns which is constitutional, the bill of rights, 1st amendment to provide people to secure their own safety or to go hunting, I don't think that we will ever lose the guns although it might happen. I like when the off duty cops take some people down on the sly, but you know these school shootings are proliferating and we might rebuke the right to have guns; but if you outlaw guns then only outlaws will have guns and yet they are discussing this right now. The whole interior of the country votes republican, the states on the oceans vote democrat, so it seems we need guns to take down a wild coyote or something
/ 1 posts
03 Aug 19 9:12 pm
I feel pretty conflicted about this in general but there are straightforward aspects of it.

For example, car ownership is nowhere near as controversial a topic and we still have a licensing procedure, laws about driving and sets of situations where your right to drive can be removed. Guns currently have less regulation than that and I think that’s insane, especially given the widespread psychological instalbility in America that seems to make school shootings a statistical certainty with easy firearm access.

While I think firearm regulation is an immediate necessity for putting some sort of limitation on the proliferation of mass killings, I also think the average leftist may overlook the role of mental health, given how often conservatives toss it around as a disingenuous crutch.

On one hand, “thoughts and prayers” and simplistic talking points about focusing on mental health are used to dodge the obvious immediate solution. On the other, that doesn’t mean that mental health is not a serious problem that needs to be addressed. The problem is, with something that has as much nuance as mental health in America, there will have to be multiple small solutions that have a cumulative, holistic effect over time. The solution will, necessarily, be slow. Which means that we need to take more immediate action right now while we’re experiencing mass murders every odd month / couple of weeks.

Which takes me back to my belief that there’s no damn reason why guns should not be at least as regulated as cars, business licenses or a million other things that we have legal standardization for.
/ 1 posts
30 Aug 19 3:32 am
I'm a libertarian and Iean on the right and the so called democrat liberalism turned me off. And the so called fascism makes me laugh like seriously where's the actual nazis and skinheads at? I just see normal u.s. citizens ex. democrats and conservative people that are trump supporters. Gun control will never work yeah I am a gun owner. Nazis took the guns away! Socialism sucks, and communism is fascism
/ 2 posts
16 Oct 19 9:41 pm
I love guns. It's a women's equalizers, the only thing that will work better than a rape whistle. I strongly stand for the 2nd. I'm a right-leaning independent. I'm a first-generation American And believe "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. " #GothGirlsWithGuns
/ 50 posts
07 Feb 20 4:35 pm
Ive done a bit of research on school shootings over the years and my perspective is that guns are definately part of the issue, wether so many americans like it or not. The fact is that Canada, Finland and other countries have had similar mass shootings and they enacted laws which in effect gave results. 'Guns arent the issue' yes, they are. People arent going to take your guns away if you have a legal right to obtain them. But lets face it: The US have less restrictions than in any other country. Its not wrong to bring this up to the forefront as this is a fact.

Canada had a massacre in 1989 and what did they do to fix it? They moved on to ban assault rifles in 1995. Same with Australia. The point is, very few countries have a total ban of firearms, but look at what gun laws looks like all over the world and to me it seems rather ludicrous to argue as if guns are not relevant. That doesnt mean guns should be banned. But it means that theres no harm in having restrictions as long as its done properly. Which again doesnt mean that it will effect legal gun ownership. But that in order to obtain legal gun ownership one has to pass certain tests in order to have a license to obtain them. When you think about mass shootings etc they are extremely rare, yet, most of them seems to take place in a country that ranks over a middle eastern war torn country(Yemen) in possessing guns. Yes, there are probably other issues at play here, of course. But from there on to say that guns arent the issue- to be honest, I think thats to deny some basic facts. I tend to believe that its part of a vider issue at large. What motivates people to commit violent acts and they shouldnt be able to obtain a firearm. I think the logic is pretty simple. "They will find a way", maybe, but it's a lot easier to kill people with a gun. And Im not only pointing fingers at the US, there. It should be quite obvious.
/ 50 posts
09 Feb 20 10:22 pm
justonhere2020 wrote:
The shootings aren't that many for the size of the population. They may be too many.

True, but they are still more frequent in the US, and experts on school shootings argue that they are still part of the problem. Of course, they arent the only factor. But they are part of the factor. I think they have argued that people with violent tendencies shouldnt be able to obtain a gun. I trust that this is accurate, no matter how we slice it and dice it.
/ 19 posts
18 Feb 20 6:01 am
Some interesting statistics.
/ 526 posts
23 Aug 20 10:31 pm
I'm not so convinced that you are a registered Democrat, vampariah.

Am I wrong? Maybe...but usually My Spidey Sense is correct, I Have Noticed.

/ 3 posts
23 Dec 20 12:50 am
Norwegian wrote:
justonhere2020 wrote:
The shootings aren't that many for the size of the population. They may be too many.

True, but they are still more frequent in the US, and experts on school shootings argue that they are still part of the problem. Of course, they arent the only factor. But they are part of the factor. I think they have argued that people with violent tendencies shouldnt be able to obtain a gun. I trust that this is accurate, no matter how we slice it and dice it.

Second Amendment extremism is literally killing us. Owning a gun--a device for killing people and/or animals-- is a responsibility not for people who've shown they can't handle it.
/ 203 posts
06 Feb 21 1:23 am
im all for guns, however the problem is they need to increase the training requirements. Here in Wisconsin a person only has to take a simple 4 hour class to obtain a conceal carry permit. Dont even get me started on the guys who live in a city and wanna tote an AR-15. Self Defence is close range so a little pistol is all anyone ever needs.
/ 19 posts
27 Jan 22 2:07 pm
Guns can protect you if you know how to use one and use it for the sole purpose of self defense. I’ve reviewed several cases of people just unloading on people for the worst reasons. Was it the gun’s or the person using the gun’s fault? It’s both and the person chose and are most of the time aware of what they are doing to other people and don’t have any sympathy toward them. This is the scariest pat, anybody with a gun has a form of lethality, and if they choose the dumbest reason to unload it’s already too late. I wish this wasn’t a thing. There was a guy who shot TEN rounds on a vehicle that was DRIVING AWAY from him and still kept shooting. The absolute worst part about this guy is that he claimed it was self defense and that his life was in danger, then made up the idea that the kids, yes, they were only teens, had a gun as well, and was about to shoot him. All because the guy didn’t like the volume of whatever the music was playing in their car. Yes, guns can protect those who know how and when to use it, but it’s not for people like these who can get mad at the drop of a hat.
/ 7 posts
11 Jan 25 10:37 pm
From Norway so i wouldnt know much.
But it has to be a frightening experience if you just wanna enjoy the beautiful nature of America, but there could be the case where someone is just randomly shooting somewhere. Sure crazy guys killing people in different tragic events is always pathethic and bad though.
I dunno, i guess for some reason gun has a more emotional fear to me i think.