in reverse
/ 46 posts
13 Nov 21 9:58 pm
okay, since spacehey has been trending
recently i figured i'd login here and
see what you guys thought about it.

I'm on there, my username is /jamescasualty
if anyone is interested in adding me. (:

spacehey and gonegothic forever
/ 326 posts
14 Nov 21 11:18 pm
To be honest I checked out Spacehey and didn't think much of it. Can't say why, just didn't have much of an impression of it. Gone Gothic is good....just wish more people would talk to me or respond to comments. Ha, ha!
/ 46 posts
16 Nov 21 1:39 am
i love it, and i love gonegothic so much and i'm just thankful it still exist.... but for how long?

I'd love to login here someday to find even a thousand users online!
/ 326 posts
16 Nov 21 11:40 pm
james wrote:
i love it, and i love gonegothic so much and i'm just thankful it still exist.... but for how long?

I'd love to login here someday to find even a thousand users online!

To be honest the only real problem with GG is the people on it. I've not noticed people have suddenly stopped commenting on here. I have 15 friends on my profile that never talk to me. They don't respond or send messages. There's probably only 2 that do and they stopped. Not sure what can be done about that though.... 😒
/ 46 posts
17 Nov 21 3:58 am
I mean I remember the links that allowed people to email us from our profile, and there's the private profile comments...
/ 46 posts
17 Nov 21 3:59 am
I wish that site news feed on the main page had a tab that would allow us to see blogs from the entire site and the option to post the blogs from the main page.

I mean it would basically be like any other newsfeed but better because it's got the GG theme.
/ 326 posts
17 Nov 21 10:37 pm
hector wrote:
@karl, this place supports messages? I did not knot that. HA.

Yep, used to message (comment) on people's profiles. I had a few but the people that talked to me either left or just stopped talking. 😒
/ 46 posts
18 Nov 21 3:06 am
I don't understand why everyone left GG, I mean it's always been mobile friendly and i bet half of the users still use facebook and insta all the time.
/ 326 posts
18 Nov 21 10:31 pm
james wrote:
I don't understand why everyone left GG, I mean it's always been mobile friendly and i bet half of the users still use facebook and insta all the time.

I don't fully understand it either. But I've noticed over the past 3yrs the majority's attitude towards social media has changed. There's a lot of clashing - ego's, Trolling and hypersensitivity. I don't get a lot of that on GG but.....that's because I get snobed off a lot instead. LOL 🤣

I do know one Goth who jumped from site to site because he was being Trolled. 😒
/ 326 posts
21 Nov 21 11:41 pm
I suspect you get scammers with fake profiles on here as with FB. Though with FB I've noticed more of them.
/ 46 posts
26 Nov 21 10:38 pm
Karl wrote:
I suspect you get scammers with fake profiles on here as with FB. Though with FB I've noticed more of them.

pretty sure there are scammers everywhere, and they're usually pretty dumb.
/ 326 posts
27 Nov 21 11:51 pm
james wrote:
Karl wrote:
I suspect you get scammers with fake profiles on here as with FB. Though with FB I've noticed more of them.

pretty sure there are scammers everywhere, and they're usually pretty dumb.

Yep, james you're not wrong. No arguments from me. I still get scam phone calls with a machine talking, saying a bunch of technical jargon that doesn't make any sense and contradicts how things work in reality. LOL 🤣
/ 15 posts
13 May 22 2:33 pm
dal 31 Gennaio 2020 è prorogata al 31 Agosto 2020. La validità ai fini dell’espatrio resta limitata alla data di scadenza indicata nel documentoAcquistare Trento Patente europea
/ 15 posts
17 May 22 4:38 am
potuto sostenere le prove d’esame di idoneità per il conseguimento delle patenti di guida, nelle zone individuate dal decreto del Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri 25 Febbraio 2020Patente Nautica senza esame
/ 15 posts
04 Jun 22 6:17 am
Entro 7 giorni per ottenere la patente a perugia con esame gratuito Non è più un segreto, non c’è più un paese in Europa dove puoi avere la patente senza stress, senza problemi, senza preoccupazioniComprare Ancona patente beneficio
/ 15 posts
07 Jun 22 10:30 pm
Con la nostra esperienza e la nostra reputazione sulle patenti di guida italiane è dovuta alla forte domanda e alla crescente difficoltà di ottenere una patente di guida Acquista la patente di L’Aquila ,
/ 15 posts
13 Jun 22 5:17 am

Ciò è dovuto alle complesse procedure per ottenere il documento. In effetti, un esame spietato, sia teorico che pratico, è spaventoso Ottieni la Molfetta patente ,