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Memento mori

Gender: Female
Age: 32
Star Sign: Aquarius
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Religion: Baptist
Sexuality: Straight
Marital Status: In Relationship
Height: 5'5" (166cm)
Weight: 175 lbs (79kg)
Location: ocklawaha, Florida, United States

Signup Date: 10 Feb 24
Account Type: Free

Profile Hits: 21
Forum Posts: 2 (view)

Latest Blog: No Entries
Latest Artwork: untitled

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Last Online: 8 months ago

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Profile Last Updated: 10 Feb 24 5:10 pm
about me
I am amanda 32 and in a happy relationship. i am looking to make new friends, i have been backstabbed by many people who i though were my friends. so making new friends has always been a challenge for me. i am a chill person, and i don't judge. however i am a very honest person. so much that some call me a bitch. but i believe in treating others how i want to be treated. i want others to be honest with me so i am honest. but i am also that friend who will pick you up after telling the truth. because real friend will stick beside one another and tell each other when they fuck up. in my eyes no one is perfect, i am still learning on how to tell if someone is a friend or a fake. i have a good heart but just because you see how kind and friendly i am doesn't mean i can be mean. my beast is resting not dead. i have only 4 close friends two in ohio one in Vancouver. and the other in tennessee. and i have my boyfriend who one day we will be married. in the end i just wanted to find like minded people who don't mind having a goth friend who is honest and not afraid to speak her mind. can be very goofy and loves singing and learning how to sing death metal or just in general i am the type of person who loves dancing around and being goofy singing and dancing has been something i loved as a child.

I love music, listening and singing music to me tells a deeper story and is often my go to when i am in feelings. i also enjoy drawing as well writing poetry, i can't say i have one favorite colors but many. black, red, blue and Green. my favorite holidays are christmas and Halloween. i love gaming mainly horror games. and absolutely love horror movies. one day i hope to learn screamo like my boyfriend, i find it very fascinating i enjoy camping, hiking , swimming ,fishing, hunting, and animals. lol. there is just so much i enjoy doing i couldn't possibly name them all.

fake people, some rap, wow i can't think of other dislikes. lol

favourite music
Metal, screamo, classic rock, instrumental, country, classical music, alterative rock, learning about new bands, and hearing other peoples music they make,

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