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"Open your mind before your mouth"-Chris

Gender: Male
Age: 24
Star Sign: Virgo
Religion: Satanism
Sexuality: Bisexual
Marital Status: In Relationship
Height: 5'7" (171cm)
Weight: 110 lbs (50kg)
Location: Lebanon, Ohio, United States

Signup Date: 19 Nov 13
Account Type: Free

Profile Hits: 139
Latest Blog: No Entries
Latest Artwork: untitled
Latest Poem: my rape fantasy (1)

Member is offline
Last Online: 11 years ago

Buddies: 13 [view]
Followers: 6 [view]

Profile Last Updated: 19 Nov 13 6:24 pm
about me
im emo im awesome because i LOVE PewDiePie i do cut my self i am bisexual i'm sorta transgender, im originally female but I dress male i live in lebanon ohio i do smoke and drink and party HARD!! I love marijuana My bra size is 40 D Fuck with the ones I love I will kill you!!!! Don't fuck with me and if u do just put your teeth to the curb I love motionless in white,we butter the bread with butter,botdf,jeffree star, eskimo callboy, cookiebreed,slipknot,cradel of filth,linkin park,asking alxandria, Suicide Silance,bullett for my valentine,eminem,the metric droid,Mairlyn Mainson, Rasputina The Birthday Massacre Voltaire Cradle of Filth Bauhaus Theatre of Tragedy Wolfsheim The Cruxshadows Bella Morte Sirius Rising Ancient Mortiis Anathema Claire Voyant Switchblade Symphony Siouxie and the Banshees The Cure Type O Negative Dimmu Borgir Phallus Dei Snog The 69 Eyes Vanity Beach Unheilig My Dying Bride Die Form Attrition Thanatos Sirenia Scream Silence And One Covenant Terminal Choice Dead Star Assembly Dope Stars, Inc. Korr Naglfar Satyricon NamNamBulu Ladytron L'aime Immortelle London After Midnight Moonspell Collide Icon of Coil Parallel Project Pigface Zeromancer Velvet Acid Christ Torn Skin Celldweller Thou Shalt Not Diorama Orgy Peter Murphy V.A.S.T. Assemblage 23 Ego Likeness Iris Gothminister Das Ich Razed in Black Clan of Xymox VNV Nation Fields of the Nephilim Combichrist KMFDM (and let's not forget MDFMK) Black Tape for a Blue Girl Tristania Bile Lacunia Coil Nosferatu Gene Loves Jezebel My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult Girls Under Glass Genitorture Neuroticfish Qntal Wumpscut Coil Diorama Diary of Dreams Leather Strip Apoptygma Berzerk Puscifer,Viatrophy Anagnorisis (heavily black metal based) A Fallen Theory (similar to the red shore) Among The Devoured Aortic Dissection Blood Of Our Enemies Built On Lies Desolate Until Decomposed (similar to whitechapel, elysia) Dukes Of The Kumatai Earth From Above Emilyrose Epocholypse Fallen Figure Floodtide For Which We Kill (similar to bloodlust era through the eyes of the dead) From The Carnival Of Horrors Her Demise My Rise Hiroshima Will Burn Incarpathia (similar to black dahlia murder but they have breakdowns) Martyr Defiled Oceano (similar to impending doom) The Boy Will Drown (deathcore/mathcore) The Mourning Will Follow Thrown To Belial (their ep is similar to Doom era job for a cowboy, new songs are more black metal influenced) Trigger The Bloodshed (Grindcore Based) Upon A Burning Body We Are The End We Speak Texan Whisteria Cottage (similar to elysia) The Boy Will Drown Her Demise My Rise Elysia Burning the Masses (similar to the faceless) We Are the End The Deep Annotations of an Autopsy (Grindcore Based) Animosity Belay My Last Beneath The Massacre (Grindcore based) Built On Lies Condemned to the Catapult Last House On the Left Implosive Discordance The Art of Torture Thy Art is Murder From The Carnival of Horrors Jerome So I Shot Him We Speak Texan I Shot the Sheriff A Thousand Times Repent Ion Dissonance (Mathcore, DM influence) [Breathing is Irrelavent, Minus the Herd] Legend Of A Sailor An End To Flesh Catalepsy Blood of Our Enemies Fate Rose Funeral Cholera The Irish Front (Scene Grind, Spastic) For Which We Kill Orphans in Coma Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky The Argent Dawn Dead Man In Reno Trigger the Bloodshed A Different Breed Of Killer War From a Harlots Mouth If I Had Eyes Once We Were Buried Hand Behind the Throne Before the Burning Fallen Figure From Idle Hands Oceano The Roman Holiday Hiroshima Will Burn A Fallen Theory Upon A Burning Body Desolate Until Decomposed Chords Martyr Defiled The Yellow Sign Here Comes The Kraken Billy Brown Relentless Trauma Excoriate Salt The Wound Debello Castrum On Solid Ground Earth From Above Floodtide These Final Hours AUTOSCAN A: angels among us About a plane crash (Keyboards) Animosity As Eden Burns A Black Rose Burial After the Burial ABACABB (Yes thats how it's spelled, not shortened) At the Throne of Judgment A Breath Before Surfacing A Thousand Times Repent Arsonists get all the girls (Keyboard) *Dance Club Massacre* B: Born of osiris [ the new reign]*Veil Of Maya* Benighted beneath the sky Belay my last Bring me the horizon Beneath the surface (likeomgtehtuck!'s band) bullfights in tijuana By the sins fell angels C: Conducting From the Grave Crematorium Crimson Reigns Cloacal Kiss Closed Casket Funeral D: Devour Thy Sins Destroy The Champion Diskreet (Grind inspired) [infernal rise EP] E: Embrace the end Evolvar Elysia F: From The Shallows final redemption G: Ghost of a Fallen Age Greta Knights(Keyboards) Glass Casket Godless Crusade H: I: I ATE EVERYBODY Invocation of nehek I declare war I killed the prom queen [ music for the recently deceased] J: Japanese kombat car K: Killwhitneydead knife vs face L: M: Misericordiam Molotov Solution Moria Must not kill Morbid Remains N: O: Only When I Burn One Dead Dream of choir and chaos P: Picture the End Postmortem Promises Pathogenic Q: R: Rose Funeral Reinventing Yesterday Red Shore Rise of Caligua Relentless Trauma (sealclubmassacres *old* band) Red Ocean S: Suffokate Steve Irwin Slaughterhousefive So i shot myself Seraph Impaled Sown in Tears T: The maryrose artifact (covered "aybaybay" and "peanut butter jelly time") The Argent Dawn The knights of abaddon (I'll beat a bears ***, no questions just listen) Thy art is murder The passion within They shall fall Till death do us part Ted Maul (Drum and bass in some sections) The Red Queen Effect The Auburn System The Partisine Turbine (Grind inspired) The acacia strain Time of plague Tyranny The irish front (Grind inspired) They Found Her In Pieces Time Has Come The Red Death The serpent son The Concubine The Funeral Pyre This Time It's War Though the Heavens May Fall Time of Cholera Traces The roman holiday tragim U: Underneath The Gun Us Vs. Shotgun V: W: With blood comes cleansing (For fans of the black dahlia murder (Golgotha Anyway), Christian) War from a harlots mouth With Passion With dead hands rising Woodhaven X: Y:Years Spent ColdCity of Caterpillar Saetia I Wrote Haikus About Cannibalism in Your Yearbook Circle Takes The Square Hot Cross Orchid Noisy Sins of The Insect Combatwoundedveteran Amanda Woodward Bucket Full of Teeth Reversal of Man Louise Cyphere Raein La Quiete Neil Perry Ampere etc, i hate fakes!!! i love Monster energy drink my fav video is copy and paste it and watch... lol i love you Chris Motionless!!!!!!!! my fav movie is Detroit Rock City My fav tv show is 2 Broke Girls i love max shes HAWT!! lol ummmm...i dont lie cheat or st-well i only steal ur heart lol but nothing elese I LOVE U ALL!!!

Motionless in white


favourite music
Death metal! Motionless in white, We butter the bread with butter














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